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223Bankruptcy Code224 and 22311 U.S.C.224 refer to the United States Bankruptcy Code, Title 11 of the United States Code. 223FRBP224 refers to the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure. 223LBR224 and 223LBRs224 refer to the Local Bankruptcy Rule(s) of this court. This form is optional. It has been approved for use in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. December 2017 Page 1 F 3015-1.10.ORDER.CLAIM.OBJ.FTP Attorney or Party Name, Address, Telephone & FAX Numbers, State Bar Number & Email Address FOR COURT USE ONLY Chapter 13 Trustee Attorney for Chapter 13 Trustee UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 226 NAME OF DIVISION In re: Debtor(s). CASE NUMBER: CHAPTER 13 ORDER DENYING CLAIM OBJECTION FOR FAILURE TO PROSECUTE The court has reviewed the Chapter 13 Trustee222s Notice of Motion and Motion For Entry Of Order Denying Claim Objection For Failure To Prosecute (Motion) filed on (date) as docket number ,. The Motion seeks entry of an order denying, for failure to prosecute, the objection to claim (Objection) filed as docket number . The Objection seeks to disallow the claim of (Claimant), which claim is identified by the Clerk of the Court as Claim Number (Claim). Based on its review and consideration of the Motion and the record in this case, the court finds good cause to enter the requested order. Accordingly, it is ORDERED: 1.The Objection is denied without prejudice for failure to prosecute.2.The Claim is deemed allowed and no longer subject to the Objection for purposes of 11 U.S.C. 247 502(a).3.The Chapter 13 Trustee may make payment distributions on the Claim, except to the extent the Claim is amended,withdrawn, or disallowed by a subsequent order of the court. ###