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This form is mandatory. It has been approved for use by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. December 2016 Page 1 F 2016-1.5.ORDER.TRUSTEE.FINAL.FEES Attorney or Trustee Name, Address, Telephone & FAX Numbers, State Bar No. & Email Address Attorney for chapter 7 trustee Chapter 7 trustee FOR COURT USE ONLY UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA -Name of DIVISION In re: CASE NO.: CHAPTER: 7 ORDER ON FINAL FEE APPLICATIONS ALLOWING PAYMENT OF: (1)COURT AND U.S. TRUSTEE FEES; AND(2)FINAL FEES AND EXPENSES OFTRUSTEE AND PROFESSIONALS[LBR 2016-1(c)(4)] DATE: TIME: COURTROOM: ADDRESS: Debtor(s). The chapter 7 trustee filed a Trustee222s Final Report in this case. Applications for final compensation were filed by the chapter 7 trustee and, if applicable, other professionals. Based on findings and conclusions made by the court, IT IS ORDERED: Fees and expenses are approved as follows, and if not already paid may be paid: 1.Fees: U.S. Bankruptcy Court and U.S. TrusteeU.S. Bankruptcy Court fees (specify)$ $ $ Subtotal of court fees: $ U.S. Trustee fees $ Total allowed court and U.S. Trustee fees $ This form is mandatory. It has been approved for use by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. December 2016 Page 2 F 2016-1.5.ORDER.TRUSTEE.FINAL.FEES 2.Professional Fees and Expenses:a.Chapter 7 Professional Fees and Expenses:Total Final Request Total Allowed Paid-to-Date Remaining to be Paid (1)Name of Professional/Profession: Fees $$$$ Expenses$$$$ (2)Name of Professional/Profession: Fees $$$$ Expenses$$$$ (3)Name of Professional/Profession: Fees $$$$ Expenses$$$$ Additional professional fees and expenses attached. b.Chapter 11 Professional Fees and Expenses (prior to conversion to chapter 7):Total Final Request Total Allowed Paid-to-Date Remaining to be Paid (1)Name of Professional/Profession: Fees $$$$ Expenses$$$$ (2)Name of Professional/Profession: Fees $$$$ Expenses$$$$ (3)Name of Professional/Profession: Fees $$$$ Expenses$$$$ Additional professional fees and expenses attached. 3.Trustee Fees and Expenses:a.Chapter 7 Trustee Fees and Expenses:Total Final Request Total Allowed Paid-to-Date Remaining to be Paid Trustee (name): Fees $$$$ Expenses$$$$ Bank Fees$$$$ Bond $$$$ Taxes $$$$ Additional trustee fees and expenses attached. This form is mandatory. It has been approved for use by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. December 2016 Page 3 F 2016-1.5.ORDER.TRUSTEE.FINAL.FEES b.Chapter 11 Trustee Fees and Expenses (prior to conversion to chapter 7):Total Final Request Total Allowed Paid-to-Date Remaining to be Paid Trustee (name): Fees $$$$ Expenses$$$$ Bank Fees$$$$ Bond $$$$ Taxes $$$$ Additional trustee fees and expenses attached. 4.If the final dividend to creditors is the same or higher than proposed in the Trustee222s Final Report, the trustee shallimmediately proceed with the final distribution to creditors and professionals. If the final dividend to creditors is lessthan that which was proposed in the Trustee222s Final Report, the trustee shall immediately submit to the U.S. Trusteean Amended Trustee222s Report of Proposed Distribution and Dividend Payments within 30 days of the entry of thisorder. Within 14 days the U.S. Trustee will review the proposed distribution and notify the trustee to proceed with thefinal distribution to creditors and professionals. The distribution to creditors and professionals shall occur at the sametime and no later than 90 days from the entry of this order.5. Other: ###