Debtors Tabulation Of Ballots Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Debtors Tabulation Of Ballots Form. This is a California form and can be use in USBC Eastern Federal.
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Tags: Debtors Tabulation Of Ballots, EDC 3-836, California Federal, USBC Eastern
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA In re Debtor(s) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. DEBTOR'S TABULATION OF BALLOTS 1. The following Acceptances and Rejections have been field or are attached hereto: Impaired Classes are encircled. CLASS 1: Accepts $ Rejects $ CLASS 2: Accepts $ Rejects $ CLASS 3: Accepts $ Rejects $ CLASS 4: Accepts $ Rejects $ CLASS 5: Accepts $ Rejects $ CLASS 6: Accepts $ Rejects $ CLASS 7: Accepts $ Rejects $ CLASS 8: Accepts $ Rejects $ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 2. The debtor, by counsel, submits that pursuant to the foregoing, sufficient acceptances (have/have not) been received to confirm the (Plan/Amended Plan) filed . Dated: Signed (Attorney for Debtor) EDC APPROVED FORM 3-836 (REV. 1/93) 2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.