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Document Request Form. This is a California form and can be use in USBC Eastern Federal.
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Tags: Document Request, EDC 004-866, California Federal, USBC Eastern
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA TO: CASE NO: IN RE: DOCUMENT REQUEST FILED UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA The case record indicates that the following document has not been filed with the court. Please provide the court with the document or a letter stating why the document will not be filed at this time. For the Chapter 7 Trustee: [] [] [] Report of trustee at 341 meeting Report of no distribution in a no asset case Status of asset case (Fresno/Modesto divisions) For the Office of the U.S. Trustee: [] Status of asset case (Sacramento/Fresno divisions) For the Chapter 13 Trustee: [] Other: [] Regarding: Request mailed to: . DATED: FOR THE COURT WAYNE BLACKWELDER, CLERK U.S. BANKRUPTCY COURT BY:__________________________ Deputy Clerk cc: [ [ ] File ] U.S. Trustee American LegalNet, Inc. Final report (case dismissed) EDC 004 - 866