Mediators Certificate Of Compliance (R-S Motions)
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Mediators Certificate Of Compliance (R-S Motions) Form. This is a California form and can be use in USBC Southern Federal.
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Tags: Mediators Certificate Of Compliance (R-S Motions), CSD 1168, California Federal, USBC Southern
CSD 1168 [04/28/96] Name, Address, Telephone No. & I.D. No. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 325 West "F" Street, San Diego, California 92101-6991 In Re BANKRUPTCY NO. Debtor. RS NO. Moving Party v. Respondent(s) MEDIATOR'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I, 1. Date of Mediation: Continued Date: (If applicable) 2. 3. 4. , the Court appointed Mediator, declare: The Rules governing mediation have A settlement of this matter has have not has not been complied with. been reached. , (movant)(respondent) If settlement has been reached, shall prepare the stipulation for settlement. Dated: (Mediator) FOR COURT USE ONLY (Case Management Section): cc: Courtroom Deputy CSD 1168 American LegalNet, Inc.