Request And Notice Of Hearing
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Request And Notice Of Hearing Form. This is a California form and can be use in USBC Southern Federal.
Tags: Request And Notice Of Hearing, CSD 1184, California Federal, USBC Southern
R E Q U E S T A N D N O T I C E O F H E A R I N G 1 TO: RE: MOTION FILED ON BEHALF OF [insert name of moving party] , the undersigned party in interest, hereby objects to your Motion [or Notice of Intent] and requests a hearing pursuant to your Notice of Motion [or Intent] to take the following action [insert description from Notice]: Your Notice fixed2 as the last date for serving and filing this Request and Notice of Hearing and the accompanying Declaration3 in Opposition to Motion [Notice of Intent]. The Opposing Party is [check one]: [ ] Debtor [ ] United States Trustee [ ] Trustee [ ] Creditor [ ] Other (specify): You are further notified that a hearing will be held in Department, Room, of the Jacob Weinberger United States Courthouse, located at 325 West F Street, San Diego, California 92101-6991, on at.m., or as soon thereafter as it can be held. DATED: [Attorney for] Opposing Party 1DO NOT USE THIS FORM FOR REQUESTING A HEARING ON MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM STAY. USE LOCAL FORM CSD 1186 INSTEAD. 2IMPORTANT NOTICE: Before this date, YOU MUST FILE the original and one copy of this Request and Notice of Hearing together with your Declaration in Opposition with Proof of Service with the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court at the address shown above, and serve a copy of the papers on the moving party. You may obtain a hearing date and time from the Court by calling the number specified in the Notice of Motion [or Intent]. 3NOTE: This form merely notices the hearing and places it on the Court's calendar. Additional declarations, points and authorities, etc., may be necessary, since the Court expects full compliance with LBR 9013-7(b). American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc.