Request For Hearing On Motion For Relief From Automatic Stay And Notice Of Hearing
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Request For Hearing On Motion For Relief From Automatic Stay And Notice Of Hearing Form. This is a California form and can be use in USBC Southern Federal.
Tags: Request For Hearing On Motion For Relief From Automatic Stay And Notice Of Hearing, CSD 1186, California Federal, USBC Southern
CSD 1186 [/1/1] Name, Address, Telephone No. & I.D. No. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 325 West F Street, San Diego, California 92101-6991 In Re Debtor. BANKRUPTCY NO. Moving Party RS NO. Respondent(s) Hearing Date: Hearing : REQUEST FOR HEARING ON MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM AUTOMATIC STAY AND NOTICE OF HEARING TO:1 You are notified that , a party in interest, objects to the above-entitled Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay. Respondent is [check one]: Debtor United States Trustee Trustee Creditor Other (specify): According to the Moving Party's Notice of Filing a Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay, the last date for filing and serving this Request is .2 You are further notified that a hearing will be held to consider and act upon the Motion in Dept. No. , Room , Jacob Weinberger United States Courthouse, 325 West F Street, San Diego, California 92101-6991, on , at .m. DATED: (Typed Name and Signature) (Address) (City, State, ZIP Code) Attorney for Respondent Respondent 1LBR 4001-3, printed on the reverse, governs service of this Notice. All pleadings related to this particular RS action must contain the above caption CSD 1186 [Continued on Page 2] American LegalNet, Inc. CSD 1186 American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc.