Writ Of Attachment
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Writ Of Attachment Form. This is a California form and can be use in USBC Southern Federal.
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Tags: Writ Of Attachment, CSD 3056, California Federal, USBC Southern
CSD 3056 [12/01/09] Name, Address, Telephone No. & I.D. No. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 325 West F Street, San Diego, California 92101-6991 In Re BANKRUPTCY NO. Debtor. ADVERSARY NO. Plaintiff(s) v. Defendants(s) WRIT OF ATTACHMENT TO THE UNITED STATES MARSHAL FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA: You are hereby required to attach and safely keep all the property of the defendant(s) [list defendant(s) against whom writ issued]: Name Social Security Number [last 4 digits] [ ] Unknown Driver's License Number [last 4 digits] and state [ ] Unknown within the Southern District of California not exempt from execution, specifically excluding one-half of the earnings of the defendant(s) received for personal services of the defendant(s) rendered at the any time within thirty (30) days next preceding the levy of attachment, or so much of the property of such defendant(s) as may be sufficient to satisfy the demand of plaintiff(s) against the defendant(s), to wit: $ , , besides costs, unless defendant(s) give you security as provided in Section 489.310 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. DATED: Barry K. Lander, Clerk By: , Deputy Clerk [Seal of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court] CSD 3056 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com