Debtor-In-Possession Real Property Questionnaire Leased Property (Attachement 3B)
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Debtor-In-Possession Real Property Questionnaire Leased Property (Attachement 3B) Form. This is a California form and can be use in USBC Southern Federal.
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Tags: Debtor-In-Possession Real Property Questionnaire Leased Property (Attachement 3B), California Federal, USBC Southern
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES TRUSTEE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA In Re: CHAPTER 12 CASE NO. _______________________ DEBTOR-IN-POSSESSION REAL PROPERTY QUESTIONNAIRE LEASED PROPERTY Debtor(s). SUBMIT THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO THE OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES TRUSTEE ONLY. DO NOT FILE WITH THE BANKRUPTCY COURT. The debtor-in-possession is required to complete a real property questionnaire for each parcel of real property in which the debtor held a legal or equitable interest at the time of the filing of the petition. This includes, but is not limited to, property held under ownership, leasehold, land sale, or open escrow. A continuation sheet should be attached for each question where additional space is needed. A. 1. General Property information Address of property including county and state in which it is located: 2. Type of real property (i.e., single family residence, condominium, apartment building, office building, commercial, industrial, unimproved): Description of property (i.e., number of units or offices, square footage, amenities and present condition): Does the property presently conform to all local, state, and federal requirements, such as health, building, safety, earthquake, fire or other regulations? ______ Yes. ______ No. Explain: 3. 4. Attachment 3B 2002 © American LegalNet, Inc. B. 1. Property Leased by the debtor-in-possession What is the name, address, and telephone number of the lessor? 2. Does the lessor own the property? _______ Yes. _______ No. Provide the name, address, and telephone number of the owner. 3. Does a written lease exist between the debtor-in-possession and the lessor? ______ Yes. Please attach a copy of the lease. ______ No. Please explain the terms of the lease. 4. 5. 6. Lease payment amount: $ ______________ Per: ______ Month / ______ Quarter / ______ Year / ______ Other: ____________ Number and amount of unpaid pre-petition lease payments: Number: ______ / Amount: $ _____________ If any pre-petition lease payments remained unpaid as a result of a dispute, were such payments escrowed into a separate trust account? ______ No. ______ Yes. Please provide the name of the escrow holder, account number, and amount of funds on hand: I, ______________________________________________ (Name and title), declare under penalty of perjury that I have fully read and understood the foregoing real property questionnaire and that the information provided herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Date: __________________________________ Principal for debtor-in-possession Attachment 3B 2002 © American LegalNet, Inc.