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Appellate Information Letter Form. This is a California form and can be use in USDC Central Federal.
Tags: Appellate Information Letter, A-24, California Federal, USDC Central
312 North Spring Street, Room G-8
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Tel: (213) 894-3535
411 West Fourth Street, Suite 1053
Santa Ana, CA 92701-4516
(714) 338-4750
3470 Twelfth Street, Room 134
Riverside, CA 92501
(951) 328-4450
District Court Executive and
Clerk of Court
To: Counsel of Record
Re: Ordering and Designation of Reporter's Transcript (Civil & Bankruptcy Cases)
The following information is provided to assist you in the preparation of the appeal.
Payment of the Filing and Docket Fees
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure require the United States District Court Clerk to collect all filing and docket fees ($5.00 and
$450.00 respectively) when a Notice of Appeal is filed. One check may be submitted in the amount of $455.00 payable to Clerk, U.S.
District Court, and forwarded to this office, not the U.S. Court of Appeals. Effective January 3, 2002, the Clerk’s Office will accept
business or corporate checks for filing fees and for miscellaneous fees. Checks drawn on business or client trust accounts will continue
to be accepted for filing and miscellaneous fees: however, no personal checks or checks drawn on non-business accounts will be
accepted from either attorneys or the public. We will continue to accept all federal, state, and local government issued checks, as well
as blank certified checks and U.S. Postal Service money orders. An appeal is subject to immediate dismissal if the U.S. Court of
Appeals docket fee is not paid by the appellant upon the filing of the Notice of Appeal or immediately thereafter.
II. Ordering and Designating Reporter's Transcript [Circuit Rule 10-3 and Federal Rules of Appellant Procedure 10(b)].
The ordering and designating of reporter’s transcripts must be completed within 14 days of the filing of the Notice of Appeal or entry
of an order disposing of the last timely remaining motion on a type specified in Rule 4(a)(A), whichever is later:
A. Motion to supplement the record with additional transcript designations are to be filed with the Court of Appeals.
B. The District Court cannot file late designations without an order from the Court of Appeals.
C. The court reporter cannot accept further designations of reporter’s transcripts for purposes of the appeal other than the appellant’s
original, unless the Court of Appeals has granted leave to do so.
III. Filing Transcript Designation Form.
Within 30 days of the filing of the notice of appeal, appellant shall file a transcript order in the district court, using the district
court’s transcript designation form and shall provide a copy of the designation form to the court reporter.
IV. Certification of Record
Upon filing of the reporter’s transcript or upon receipt of notice that a transcript will not be ordered, the U.S. District Court will
forward the Certificate of Record to the U.S. Court of Appeals. The U.S. Court of Appeals will then notify counsel of the briefing
If you have any questions, you may come to this office or call the Appeals Section at (213) 894-3570, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Clerk, U. S. District Court
Deputy Clerk
A-24 (09/10)
American LegalNet, Inc.