Notice Of Attachment (Attachment)
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Notice Of Attachment (Attachment) Form. This is a California form and can be use in USDC Central Federal.
Tags: Notice Of Attachment (Attachment), CV-4C, California Federal, USDC Central
After recording return to:LEVYING OFFICER (Name and Address):NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT[This form is used in connection with levy under a writ of attachment.]TO THE PERSON NOTIFIED (name):Plaintiff in this action seeks to attach property in which defendant has an interest. The property to be attached isYou are notified asa defendant.a person other than defendant (state capacity in which person is being notified):( Read "Information for Defendant" or "Information for Person Other than Defendant" on page 2.)A notice was filed with theSecretary of State.a.Department of Motor Vehicles.b.Department of Housing and Community Development.c. Notice of Attachment wasmailed on (date):delivered on (date):posted on (date):filed on (date):recorded on (date):Signed by:Registered process serverLevying officer CV-4C (/ )(AT-165 [Rev. January 1, 2003])Code of Civil Procedure,247247 482.030, 488.060FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLYSTREET ADDRESS:MAILING ADDRESS:CITY AND ZIP CODE:BRANCH NAME:PLAINTIFF:DEFENDANT: ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state bar number, and address):1.2.3.(describe property):described in the Writ of Attachment and Order for Issuance of Writ of Attachment, attached hereto and incorporated by reference.a.b.a.b.c.4.d.e.a.b. CASE NUMBER Page 1 of 2 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIAFOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.:FAX NO. (Optional):ATTORNEY FOR (Name):E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional):(Insert the address of the division where the magistrate j udge who will be reviewing the application is located.) American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc.