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CR-64 (05/18)REPORT COMMENCING CRIMINAL ACTION 14.12. Signature: Office Phone Number: Date:15.11. Name:13.10. 9. 8. 7. 4. 3. 5. 6. 1. 2. Remarks (if any): Name of Pretrial Services Officer notified: Name: Phone Number:(please print)Defendant has retained counsel: No Yes Agency: Year of Birth: Language:Interpreter Required: No Yes Date and time of arrest:Offense charged is a: Felony Minor Offense Petty Offense Other MisdemeanorCharges under which defendant has been booked:Defendant is in U.S. Marshals Service lock-up (in this court building): Yes NoThe above named defendant is currently hospitalized and cannot be transported to court for arraignment orany other preliminary proceeding: Yes No AM PMAll areas must be completed. Any area not applicable or unknown should indicate "N/A". TO: CLERK'S OFFICE, U.S. DISTRICT COURTREPORT COMMENCING CRIMINALACTION CASE NUMBER:DEFENDANTPLAINTIFFV.UNITED STATES OF AMERICAUNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTCENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA USMS# American LegalNet, Inc.