Transcript Redaction Request
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Transcript Redaction Request Form. This is a California form and can be use in USDC Central Federal.
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Tags: Transcript Redaction Request, G-115, California Federal, USDC Central
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA CASE NUMBER PLAINTIFF(S) v. TRANSCRIPT REDACTION REQUEST DEFENDANT(S). Pursuant to Judicial Conference policy, (moving party ) requests redaction of transcript(s) on file in the above-captioned matter. The undersigned understands that redaction of information other than personal identifiers listed below requires an order of the court: Social Security or tax-payer identification numbers to the last four digits Dates of birth to the year Names of minor children to the initials Financial account numbers to the last four digits Home address to the city and state (in a criminal case) The following redactions are requested, e.g., Doc. No. 15, Page 12, Line 9, Social Security No. to read xxx-xx1234). (Please attach additional sheet(s) if necessary.) Document No. of Transcript Page No. Line No(s). Redacted Identifier Date G-115 (05/08) Attorney / Pro Se Party Signature TRANSCRIPT REDACTION REQUEST American LegalNet, Inc.