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CH-165, Page 1 of 5Judicial Council of California, Rev. March 15, 2019, Mandatory Form Code of Civil Procedure, 247 527.6(v)Order on Request to Keep Minor's Information Confidential (Civil Harassment Prevention) This is a Court Order.Clerk stamps date here when form is filed. Fill in court name and street address: Superior Court of California, County ofCourt fills in case number when form is filed.Case Number: CH-165Order on Request to Keep Minor's Information ConfidentialPerson Making Request for Confidentiality Full Name: 2Parties in This Case Full Name:Person who requested restraining order (form CH-100, item ): Full Name:Person from whom protection is sought (form CH-100, item ): 1 2 1b.a.Person in must complete items and only.2 2 1Court will complete item if request is denied or items 226 if request is granted or partially granted. 3 4 13 PUBLIC VERSION (REDACTED) CONFIDENTIALCourt's Decision The court has reviewed the request for confidentiality and makes the following decision: The court will NOT make a decision on the Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (form CH-100). The request for restraining order and proposed order forms must be returned to the requestor personally, destroyed, or deleted from electronic files and not filed with the court unless the person requesting the restraining order agrees to file them without any changes. The court will make a decision on the request for restraining order. The request for restraining order and any accompanying orders will be filed. More information is needed for court decision. You must go to court on the date and time below to provide more information on why you need a request for confidentiality. DENIED. The request to keep information of a minor or minors confidential is denied. b.a.c. Denied in Whole or in Part or More Information Needed 3If is checked, only this page of this order form will be issued. All other pages may be discarded. Instructions to Clerk If item is checked, file page 1 in a public file and discard pages 22265. File the request for confidentiality (form CH-160) in a confidential file.Judge (or Judicial Officer) Date: 3 3 Date: Time: Room: Dept.: Hearing DategName and address of court if different from above: (1)(2) American LegalNet, Inc. Case Number: CH-165, Page 2 of 5Rev. March 15, 2019 Order on Request to Keep Minor's Information Confidential (Civil Harassment Prevention) This is a Court Order. Minors Subject to This Order 4 Name: Name: Name: Name: Granted in full. The request to keep the information of a minor or minors confidential is granted in full. Details of the order are stated below in items 226 . Partially granted. The request to keep the information of a minor or minors confidential is granted only in part. Details of the order are stated below in items 226 .a. GRANTEDb.Court will complete the rest of this form if the request is partially or fully grantedThis order protects the information listed in item for the following minors: Check here if there are additional minors. Attach a sheet of paper and write "Attachment 6227Additional Minors" for a title.References in this order to 223the minor224 refer to all minors listed here.Findings 5The right to privacy of the minors listed in item overcomes the public's right of access to the information;There is a substantial probability that the interests of the minors listed in item will be prejudiced if the information is not kept confidential; The order is narrowly tailored; and No less restrictive means exist to protect the privacy of the minors in item . The court finds all of the following (all of these findings are required if granting in full or in part):a.b.c.d.a.b.c.d. True name of minor in item (to be kept confidential) Initials viewable by the public (to be used in redacted version) 6 7WARNING: If the information listed in item is misused or disclosed to anyone other than law enforcement, you may be fined up to $1,000 for contempt of court or face other sanctions. Information to Be Kept Confidential From Public 5 5 12 12 6 6 6 8 8 6 8The following information must be kept confidential and not viewable by the public. (Check all that apply.)a. Name of minor American LegalNet, Inc. CH-165, Page 3 of 5Rev. March 15, 2019 (a) (d) (c) (b) Location of Information (for example, form #, page #, item #, line #, attachment #, or exhibit #) Information to Be Redacted (not viewable by the public) Check here if there is not enough space for your answer. Put your complete answer on an attached sheet of paper, and write 223Attachment 8c(2)224 for a title. Case Number:Order on Request to Keep Minor's Information Confidential (Civil Harassment Prevention) This is a Court Order. Information relating to minor (check one):(1) The information CIRCLED in the attached copy of form CH-100 or other document or form is made confidential by this order. The information below is made confidential by this order: (2) Address of minor 6The following addresses of the minors listed in item must be redacted and must not be viewable to the public. b.c. d. Other: American LegalNet, Inc. All forms and documents submitted with the request for confidentiality must be redacted and filed with the court no later than , by the:will have access to the following information checked in item to comply with the protective order and prepare a response: CH-165, Page 4 of 5Rev. March 15, 2019 Case Number:Order on Request to Keep Minor's Information Confidential (Civil Harassment Prevention) This is a Court Order. 9 The restrained person (full name)a. All the information, unredacted. All the information except for the following:b.Information to Be Kept Confidential from the Restrained Person 10Responsibility for Redacting All Forms and DocumentsWARNING: If the information listed in item is misused or disclosed to anyone other than law enforcement, you may be fined up to $1,000 for contempt of court or face other sanctions.The redacted documents must be filed in a public file, and the unredacted documents must be filed in a confidential file. Court Person making the request Other:(1)(2) a.(3)b. 11Court Records and Hearings 12To All PartiesRegisters of actions, indexes, court calendars, court transcripts, or minute orders in this case.a.Future court hearings, including any documents introduced during a hearing in this case or any civil case in the State of California.b.The information listed in item 8 must NOT be disclosed by the court in any:The information made confidential by this order must NOT be made public in this case or any other civil case.a.Any documents filed in this case or any other civil case that includes information listed in item must be filed with form CH-175, Cover Sheet for Confidential Information, attached to the front.b. 8 8 8 8 Check here if additional space is needed and include the information on a separate piece of paper, write 223Attachment 9" on top, and attach to this form. (number of court days or date) American LegalNet, Inc. CH-165, Page 5 of 5Rev. March 15, 2019 Case Number:Order on Request to Keep Minor's Information Confidential (Civil Harassment Prevention) This is a Court Order. Date:Judge (or Judicial Officer) Instructions to Clerk The originals of all unredacted documents containing the information checked in item must be kept in a confidential file and the information provided in item must not appear in: 225 Any register of action; 225 Any calendar; 225 Any index; 225 Any transcript; or 225 Any minute order. Any information listed in item 9b must be sealed and filed in a confidential file. 13To the Person Making the Request for ConfidentialityYou must do the following:a. Have a copy of each form listed in item (c) below personally served on (given to) the restrained person.(See form CH-200-INFO to find out how to meet this requirement. Personal service is required when the protected person is making this request and when forms CH-100, CH-109, and CH-110 have NOT been served on the restrained person.)b. Have a copy of each form listed in item (c) mailed to the: Restrained person Protected person(