Confidential CLETS Information
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Confidential CLETS Information Form. This is a California form and can be use in CLETS Judicial Council.
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Tags: Confidential CLETS Information, CLETS-001, California Judicial Council, CLETS
This is not a Court Order227Do not place in court file.CLETS InformationPerson to Be Protected (Name): Eye Color: Date of Birth: Hair Color: Age: Confidential CLETS InformationJudicial Council of California, January 1, 2012, Mandatory FormCal. Rules of Court, rule 1.51 FSex:Height: Weight: Race: M Person to Be Restrained (Name): Describe any marks, scars, or tattoos: Other names used by the restrained person: Describe any guns or firearms that you believe the person in owns or has access to (Number, types, and locations): 1 CLETS-001, Page 1 of 1 Eye Color: Date of Birth: Hair Color: Age: FSex:Height: Weight: Race: M 4 Other People to Be ProtectedSex Name Date of Birth CONFIDENTIAL CLETS-001 Additional persons to be protected are listed on Attachment 4. Guns or Firearms 3 2 California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS)Information FormImportant: This form MUST NOT become part of the public court file. It is confidential and private. Case Number (if you know it): This form is submitted with the initial filing (date):This is an amended form (date): Fill out as much of this form as you can and give it to the court clerk. If the court issues a restraining order, this form will provide law enforcement with information that will help them enforce it. If any of this information changes, fill out a new (amended) form. 1 Race Driver222s License Number and State: Social Security Number: Vehicle (Type, Model, Year): (License Number and State): Vehicle (Type, Model, Year): (License Number and State):Mailing Address (listed on restraining order): Zip:State:City: Telephone (optional): Employer:Occupation/Title:Work Hours:Residence Address: Zip:State:City: Telephone:Business Address: Zip:State:City: Telephone: Relation to Person in 2 American LegalNet, Inc.