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CR-133 Instructions Request for Court-Appointed Lawyer in Misdemeanor Appeal Clerk stamps date here when form is filed. � This form is only for requesting that the court appoint a lawyer to represent a person appealing in a misdemeanor case. � Before you fill out this form, read Information on Appeal Procedures for Misdemeanors (form CR-131-INFO) to know your rights and responsibilities. You can get form CR-131-INFO at any courthouse or county law library or online at � The court is required to appoint a lawyer to represent you on appeal only if You fill in the name and street address of the court that issued the judgment or order you are appealing: you cannot afford to hire a lawyer and (1) your punishment includes going to jail or paying a fine of more than $500 (including penalty and other assessments), or (2) you are likely to suffer other significant harm as a result of being convicted. � This form can be filed at the same time as your notice of appeal. � Fill out this form and make a copy of the completed form for your records. � Take or mail the completed form to the clerk's office for the same trial court Superior Court of California, County of You fill in the number and name of the trial court case in which you are appealing the judgment or order: Trial Court Case Number: Trial Court Case Name: where you filed your notice of appeal. It is a good idea to take or mail an extra copy to the clerk and ask the clerk to stamp it to show that the original has been filed. You fill in the appellate division case number (if you know it): Appellate Division Case Number: 1 Your Information a. Name of Appellant (the party who is filing this appeal): Name: Street address: Street City Street City State State Zip Zip Mailing address (if different): Phone: E-mail: b. Appellant's lawyer (skip this if the appellant is filling out this form): Name: Street address: Street City Street City State State Zip Zip State Bar number: Mailing address (if different): Phone: Fax: E-mail: Judicial Council of California, Revised January 1, 2017, Optional Form Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.851 Request for Court-Appointed Lawyer in Misdemeanor Appeal CR-133, Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. Trial Court Case Number: Trial Court Case Name: Information About Your Case 2 Were you/was your client represented by the public defender or another court-appointed lawyer in the trial court proceedings in this case? (Check a or b.) a. b. Yes No (Complete and attach Defendant's Financial Statement on Eligibility for Appointment of Counsel and Reimbursement and Record on Appeal at Public Expense (form MC-210) showing that you/your client cannot afford to hire a lawyer. You can get form MC-210 at any courthouse or county law library or online at 3 Describe the punishment the trial court gave you/your client in this case (check all that apply and fill in any required information): a. b. c. d. e. Jail time A fine (including penalty and other assessments) (fill in the amount of the fine): $ Restitution (fill in the amount of the restitution): $ Probation (fill in the amount of time on probation): Other punishment (describe any other punishment that the trial court gave you/your client in this case): 4 Describe any significant harm that you are/your client is likely to suffer because of this conviction: Notice to Appellant: If you were represented by appointed counsel in the trial court and the trial court finds that you are able to pay all or part of the cost of that counsel, at the conclusion of the proceedings, the court may also determine after a hearing whether you are able to pay all or a portion of the cost of any attorney appointed to represent you in this appeal. If the court determines that you are at that time able to pay, the court will order you to pay all or part of such cost. Such orders will have the same force and effect as a judgment in a civil action and will be subject to enforcement. Date: Type or print name Revised January 1, 2017 Signature of appellant or attorney CR-133, Page 2 of 2 Request for Court-Appointed Lawyer in Misdemeanor Appeal American LegalNet, Inc.