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Form Interrogatories-Limited Civil Cases (Economic Litigation) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Discovery Judicial Council.
Tags: Form Interrogatories-Limited Civil Cases (Economic Litigation), DISC-004, California Judicial Council, Discovery
COURT COUNTY .OF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .. : ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): Index No. Calendar No. DISC-004 : TELEPHONE NO.: FAX NO. (Optional): E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Plaintiff(s) -against- : : : JUDICIAL SUBPOENA SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SHORT TITLE: : Defendant(s) : CASE NUMBER: .. .......................... .... ...... ............ FORM.INTERROGATORIES--LIMITED .CIVIL.CASES .(Economic Litigation) Asking Party: Answering Party: Set No.: THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK (b) As a general rule, within 30 days after you are served with TO (a) Interrogatories are written questions prepared by a party to these interrogatories, you must serve your responses on the an action that are sent to any other party in the action to be asking party and serve copies of your responses on all other answered under oath. The interrogatories below are form parties who have appeared. See Code of Civil Procedure interrogatories approved for use in economic litigation. sections 2030.260�2030.270 for details. (b) For time limitations, requirements for service on other (c) Each answer must be as complete and straight-forward as GREETINGS: parties, and other details, see Code of Civil Procedure the information reasonably available to you permits. If an sections 2030.010�2030.410 and the cases construing those interrogatory cannot be answered completely, answer it to sections. WE COMMAND YOU, that all business and excuses being laid aside, you and each of you attend before the extent possible. (c) TheseHonorable the form interrogatories do not change existing law the (d) If you doCourt at not have enough personal knowledge to fully , relating toof answer an interrogatory, say so, but make a reasonable and located at County interrogatories, nor do they affect an answering party's right to assert any privilege or make any objection. good faith effort to get the information by asking other in room , on the day of , 20 , at o'clock in the noon, and at any recessed Sec. 2. Instructions to the Asking Party persons or organizations, unless the information is equally or adjourned date, to testify and give evidenceuse aby as witness in available to the asking party.the this action on the part of (a) These interrogatories are designed for optional parties under economic litigation in limited civil cases. See (e) Whenever an interrogatory may be answered by referring to Code of Civil Procedure sections 90 through 100. However, a document, the document may be attached as an exhibit to these interrogatories also may be used in unlimited civil the response and referred to in the response. If the cases. document has more of court and refer to you liable to Your failure to comply with this subpoena is punishable as a contempt than one page,will makethe page and section penalty answer to the interrogatory can be found. (b) There partyrestrictions on discoverysubpoena was issued for a maximumwhere the of $50 and all damages sustained as a the are on whose behalf this for most limited civil cases. These restrictions to comply. limit the number of interrogatories (f) Whenever an address and telephone number for the same result of your failure that may be asked. For details, read Code of Civil person are requested in more than one interrogatory, you Procedure section 94. are required to furnish them in answering only the first interrogatory asking forof the Justices of the (c) Some of these interrogatories are similar to questions in the Witness, Honorable , one that information. Case Questionnaire for Limited Civil Cases (form DISC-010) (g) Court in County, day of , 20 Your answers to these interrogatories must be verified, and may be omitted if the information sought has already dated, and signed. You may wish to use the following form been provided in a completed Case Questionnaire. at the end of your answers: (d) Check the box next to each interrogatory that you want the answering party to answer. Use care in choosing those interrogatories that apply to the case and are within the restrictions discussed above. (e) You may insert your own definition of INCIDENT in Section 4, but only where the action arises from a course of conduct or a series of events occurring over a period of time. (f) The interrogatories in section 116.0, Defendant's Contentions - Personal Injury, should not be used until defendant has had a reasonable opportunity to conduct an investigation or discovery of plaintiff's injuries and damages. (g) Additional interrogatories may be attached, subject to the restrictions discussed above. Sec. 3. Instructions to the Answering Party (a) Subject to the restrictions discussed above, you must answer or provide another appropriate response to each interrogatory that has been checked below. Form Approved for Optional Use Judicial Council of California DISC-004 [Rev. January 1, 2007] Sec. 1. Instructions to All Parties I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California sign above foregoing answers are true and (Attorney must that the and type name below) correct. (DATE) (SIGNATURE) Attorney(s) for Sec. 4. Definitions Words in BOLDFACE CAPITALS in these interrogatories are defined as follows: (Check one of the following): (a) Office and P.O. Address Telephone No.: Facsimile No.: E-Mail Address: FORM INTERROGATORIES � LIMITED CIVIL CASES Mobile Tel. No.: (Economic Litigation) (1) INCIDENT includes the circumstances and events surrounding the alleged accident, injury, or other occurrence or breach of contract giving rise to this action or proceeding. Page 1 of 4 Code of Civil Procedure, �� 94, 2030.010-2030.410, 2033.710 American LegalNet, Inc. DISC-004 (2) INCIDENT means (insert your definition here or on a separate, attached sheet labeled "Sec. 4(a) (2)"): 102.0 General Background Information - Individual 102.1 State your name, any other names by which you have been known, and your ADDRESS. 102.2 State the date and place of your birth. (b) YOU OR ANYONE ACTING ON YOUR BEHALF includes you, your agents, your employees, your insurance companies, their agents, their employees, your attorneys, your accountants, your investigators, and anyone else acting on your behalf. (c) PERSON includes a natural person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business, trust, corporation, or public entity. (d) DOCUMENT means a