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Form Interrogatories-Unlawful Detainer Form. This is a California form and can be use in Discovery Judicial Council.
Tags: Form Interrogatories-Unlawful Detainer, DISC-003 UD-106, California Judicial Council, Discovery
DISC-003/UD-106 (Name, State Bar number, and address): (Check one box): If one did, state the following (Name): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF: (DATE): FORM INTERROGATORIES--UNLAWFUL DETAINER Asking Party: Answering Party: Set No.: Sec. 1. Instructions to All Parties Sec. 2. Instructions to the Asking Party at the end of your answers: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing answers are true and correct. Sec. 3. Instructions to the Answering Party Sec. 4. Definitions BOLDFACE CAPITALS PERSON PLAINTIFF RENTAL UNIT PERSON PERSONS Page 1 of 7 FORM INTERROGATORIES�UNLAWFUL DETAINER American LegalNet, Inc. LANDLORD RENTAL UNIT RENTAL UNIT LANDLORD PROPERTY RENTAL UNIT PROPERTY PERSON PERSON PERSONS DISC-003/UD-106 PLAINTIFF PLAINTIFF RENTAL UNIT PLAINTIFF PLAINTIFF ADDRESS RENTAL UNIT PLAINTIFF PROPERTY PLAINTIFF PROPERTY DOCUMENT RENTAL UNIT PLAINTIFF RENTAL UNIT RENTAL UNIT PLAINTIFF'S RENTAL UNIT PROPERTY NOTICE TO QUIT RENTAL UNIT PLAINTIFF RENTAL UNIT ADDRESS PERSON ADDRESS Sec. 5. Interrogatories RENTAL UNIT CONTENTS PERSON PERSON DOCUMENT ADDRESS PERSON DOCUMENT RENTAL UNIT PERSON DOCUMENTS ADDRESS PERSON DOCUMENT; [Either party may ask any applicable question in this section.] ADDRESS PERSON ADDRESS, PERSON DOCUMENTS ADDRESS, PERSON DOCUMENTS DOCUMENT FORM INTERROGATORIES�UNLAWFUL DETAINER Page 2 of 7 DISC-003/UD-106 ADDRESS PERSON ADDRESS, PERSON DOCUMENTS ADDRESS, PERSON PERSON NOTICE TO QUIT DOCUMENT PLAINTIFF'S DOCUMENT ADDRESSES PERSONS DOCUMENTS ADDRESS PERSON DOCUMENT RENTAL UNIT PROPERTY PERSON ADDRESS PERSON RENTAL UNIT PROPERTY PERSON'S PERSON RENTAL UNIT ADDRESS RENTAL UNIT ADDRESS PERSON DOCUMENTS PERSON DOCUMENT DOCUMENTS ADDRESS PERSON RENTAL UNIT ADDRESS LANDLORD PLAINTIFF DOCUMENT PLAINTIFF DOCUMENT RENTAL UNIT SON RENTAL UNIT MENT ADDRESS DOCUMENT ADDRESS DOCUMENT DOCUMENT ADDRESS PERSON UNIT DOCUPERSON DOCUMENT [See also section 70.11 (d) - (f) ] NOTICE TO QUIT RENTAL PERDOCUMENTS ADDRESS DOCUMENT PERSON RENTAL UNIT [If a defense is based on allegations that the 3-day notice or 30- day NOTICE TO QUIT is then either party may ask any applicable question in this section.] NOTICE TO QUIT PLAINTIFF PROPERTY RENTAL UNIT PERSON PERSON DOCUMENTS ADDRESS PERSON DOCUMENT Page 3 of 7 NOTICE TO QUIT PLAINTIFF'S FORM INTERROGATORIES�UNLAWFUL DETAINER DISC-003/UD-106 [If a defendant denies allegations that defendant's continued possession is malicious, then either party may ask any applicable question in this section. Additional questions in section 75.0 may also be applicable.] ADDRESSES, PERSONS DOCUMENTS ADDRESS, PERSON DOCUMENT. NOTICE TO QUIT RENTAL UNIT ADDRESSES PERSONS ADDRESSES, PERSONS DOCUMENTS ADDRESS, PERSON DOCUMENTS ADDRESS PERSON DOCUMENT PLAINTIFF DOCUMENT. [Additional interrogatories on this subject may be found in sections 75.0, 78.0, 79.0, and 80.0.] [If a defense is based on allegations that the NOTICE TO QUIT was then either party may ask any applicable question in this section.] NOTICE TO QUIT RENTAL UNIT PLAINTIFF QUIT NOTICE TO RENTAL UNIT LANDLORD ADDRESS DOCUMENT ADDRESSES LANDLORD PROPERTY NOTICE TO QUIT NOTICE TO QUIT LANDLORD RENTAL UNIT RENTAL UNIT DOCUMENTS ADDRESS PERSON DOCUMENT RENTAL UNIT FORM INTERROGATORIES�UNLAWFUL DETAINER Page 4 of 7 DISC-003/UD-106 DOCUMENT PERSON PROPERTY DOCUMENT NOTICE TO QUIT RENTAL UNIT PROPERTY ADDRESSES PERSONS DOCUMENTS ADDRESS PERSON ADDRESS DOCUMENT ADDRESS DOCUMENT ADDRESS PERSON NOTICE TO QUIT PLAINTIFF LANDLORD RENTAL UNIT [If plaintiff alleges nonpayment of rent and defendant bases his defense on allegations of implied or express breach of warranty to provide habitable residential premises, then either party may ask any applicable question in this section.] RENTAL UNIT RENTAL UNIT PROPERTY PROPERTY DOCUMENT ADDRESS PERSON RENTAL UNIT UNIT RENTAL ADDRESS PERSON ADDRESS PERSON DOCUMENT ADDRESS PERSON PROPERTY DOCUMENT NOTICE TO QUIT ADDRESS PERSON NOTICE TO QUIT RENTAL UNIT LANDLORD RENTAL UNIT PROPERTY PROPERTY ADDRESS ADDRESS DOCUMENT ADDRESS PERSON ADDRESS PERSON PERSON DOCUMENT ADDRESS, PERSON RENTAL UNIT RENTAL UNIT FORM INTERROGATORIES�UNLAWFUL DETAINER Page 5 of 7 DISC-003/UD-106 DOCUMENT ADDRESS PERSON See also section 71.0 for additional questions.] ADDRESS [If a defense is based on waiver, change, withdrawal, or cancellation of the NOTICE TO QUIT, then either party may ask any applicable question in this section.] PLAINTIFF or LANDLORD PLAINTIFF PROPERTY DOCUMENT ADDRESS PERSON LANDLORD RENTAL UNIT NOTICE TO QUIT? ADDRESSES PERSONS DOCUMENT ADDRESS PERSON PLAINTIFF LANDLORD which covered a period after the date for vacating the RENTAL UNIT NOTICE TO QUIT? ADDRESSES, PERSONS DOCUMENT ADDRESS PERSON ADDRESS, PERSON ADDRESS, PERSON DOCUMENTS PLAINTIFF LANDLORD [If a defense is based on an offer of rent by a defendant which was refused, then either party may ask any applicable question in this section.] PLAINTIFF [If a defense is based on retaliation or arbitrary discrimination, then either party may ask any applicable question in this section.] NOTICE TO QUIT PLAINTIFF PLAINTIFF'S ADDRESSES PERSONS DOCUMENTS ADDRESS PERSON [If a defense to payment of rent or damages is based on claim of retaliatory eviction, then either party may ask any applicable question in this section. Additional questions in section 75.0 may also be applicable.] [If a defense is based on nonperformance of the rental agreement by the LANDLORD or someone acting on the LANDLORD'S behalf, then either party may ask any ap plicable question in this section.] LANDLORD LANDLORD'S PROPERTY RENTAL UNIT LANDLORD LANDLORD PLAINTIFF Page 6 of 7 FORM INTERROGATORIES�UNLAWFUL DETAINER DISC-003/UD-106 LANDLORD PLAINTIFF PLAINTIFF LANDLORD DOCUMENTS LANDLORD PLAINTIFF [If defendant denies PLAINTIFF allegation on the fair market rental value of the RENTAL UNIT then either party may ask any applicable question in this section. If defendant claims that the fair market rental value is less because of a breach of warranty to provide habitable premises, then either party may also ask any applicable question in section 75.0.] RENTAL UNIT PERSON RENTAL UNIT PERSON ADDRESS PERSON'S PERSON ADDRESS PERSON LANDLORD PLAINTIFF DOCUMENTS PLAINTIFF DOCUMENT RENTAL UNIT RENTAL UNIT RENTAL UNIT FORM INTERROGATORIES�UNLAWFUL DETAINER Page 7 of 7