Proof Of Service (In Person) (CLETS) (Domestic Violence Prevention)
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Proof Of Service (In Person) (CLETS) (Domestic Violence Prevention) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Domestic Violence Prevention Judicial Council.
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Tags: Proof Of Service (In Person) (CLETS) (Domestic Violence Prevention), DV-200, California Judicial Council, Domestic Violence Prevention
Clerk stamps below when form is filed.
Proof of Service (In Person)
Protected person’s name:
Restrained person’s name:
Notice to Server
You must:
■ Be 18 or over.
■ Not be listed on the
restraining order.
■ Give a copy of all
documents checked in ❹ to the restrained person in ❷. (You
cannot send them by mail.) Then sign this form and give or
mail it to the protected person.
Court name and street address:
Superior Court of California, County of
Case Number:
I gave the person in ❷ a copy of all documents checked below:
a. អ DV-110 with DV-100 and a blank DV-120
(Temporary Restraining Order and Notice of Hearing;
Request for Order; blank Answer to Temporary Restraining Order)
b. អ DV-105 and DV-140 (Child Custody, Visitation, and Support Request; Child Custody and Visitation
c. អ FL-150 with a blank FL-150 (Income and Expense Declaration)
d. អ FL-155 with a blank FL-155 (Simplified Financial Statement)
e. អ DV-125 (Reissue Temporary Restraining Order)
f. អ DV-130 (Restraining Order After Hearing)
g. អ Other (specify):
I gave copies of the documents checked above to the person in ❷ on:
អ a.m. អ p.m.
a. Date:
b. Time:
c. At this address:
Server’s Information
(If you are a process server):
County of registration:
Registration number:
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and
Type or print server’s name
Judicial Council of California,
Rev. January 1, 2003, Optional Form
Family Code, §§ 6324, 6340–6344
Server to sign here
Proof of Service (In Person) (CLETS)
(Domestic Violence Prevention)
DV-200, Page 1 of 1
2003 © American LegalNet, Inc.