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Request For Hearing Regarding Registration Of Support Order Form. This is a California form and can be use in Family Law - Interstate Actions Judicial Council.
Tags: Request For Hearing Regarding Registration Of Support Order, FL-575, California Judicial Council, Family Law - Interstate Actions
FL-575 PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY OR ATTORNEY (name, state bar number, and address): NAME: FIRM NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: ATTORNEY FOR (name): STATE: FAX NO.: ZIP CODE: STATE BAR NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: OTHER PARENT: REQUEST FOR HEARING REGARDING REGISTRATION OF SUPPORT ORDER California Support Order Out-of-State Support Order CASE NUMBER: NOTICE OF HEARING 1. A hearing on this application will be held as follows (see instructions on how to get a hearing date): a. Date: b. The address of the court is Time: same as noted above Dept: other (specify): Div: Room: 2. I request that service of the registration of support be vacated (canceled) because a. b. c. d. e. f. I am not the Obligor named in the Letter of Transmittal Requesting Registration. the court or tribunal that issued the order did not have personal jurisdiction over me. the support order was obtained by fraud. the support order has been vacated, suspended, or modified by a later order. (Please attach a copy of the later order.) the order has been stayed pending appeal. the amount of arrears in section 1 of the Letter of Transmittal Requesting Registration is incorrect. The correct amount of arrears is (specify amount): $ g. h. some or all of the arrears are not enforceable. other (specify): Supporting documents attached. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) Page 1 of 4 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California FL-575 [Rev. January 1, 2017] REQUEST FOR HEARING REGARDING REGISTRATION OF SUPPORT ORDER Family Code, �� 5700.606, 5700.607 American LegalNet, Inc. FL-575 PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: OTHER PARENT: CASE NUMBER: CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that I am not a party to this cause and that a true copy of the Request for Hearing Regarding Registration of Support Order was mailed first class, postage fully prepaid, in a sealed envelope addressed as shown below, and that the notice was mailed at (place): on (date): , California, Date: Clerk, by ___________________________________, Deputy Page 2 of 4 FL-575 [Rev. January 1, 2017] REQUEST FOR HEARING REGARDING REGISTRATION OF SUPPORT ORDER American LegalNet, Inc. FL-575 INFORMATION SHEET FOR REQUEST FOR HEARING REGARDING REGISTRATION OF CALIFORNIA SUPPORT ORDER/ OUT-OF-STATE SUPPORT ORDER (Do NOT deliver this Information Sheet to the court clerk.) Please follow these instructions to complete the Request for Hearing Regarding Registration of Support Order (form FL-575) if you do not have an attorney representing you. Your attorney, if you have one, should complete this form. You can get free help with this form from the family law facilitator in your county. This form should be used if you received a notice or statement of registration telling you that a support order is being registered in a California court but you do not want that support order registered. To request a hearing regarding an International Hague Convention Support Order, use form FL-594. You must file your completed request for hearing with the court clerk. You must also give the court clerk addressed envelopes with postage paid to mail copies of your request for hearing to the other parties. The address of the court clerk is the same as the one shown for the superior court on the notice or statement of registration you received. You may have to pay a filing fee to request a hearing. If you cannot afford to pay the filing fee, you must file an Application for Waiver of Court Fees and Costs (form FW-001). You can get this form from the court clerk, family law facilitator, or California Courts website at INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE REQUEST FOR HEARING REGARDING REGISTRATION FORM (YOU CAN COMPLETE THE FORM ON A COMPUTER, BY TYPING, OR BY PRINTING IN INK): Page 1, first box, top of form, left side: Print your name, address, and phone number in this box. Page 1, second box, left side: Print the name of your county and the court's address in this box. Use the same address for the court that is on the notice or statement of registration form you received. Page 1, third box, left side: Print the names of Petitioner/Plaintiff, Respondent/Defendant, and Other Parent in this box. Use the same names as listed on the notice or statement of registration you received. Page 1, fourth box, left side: Check the box by "California Support Order" if the order being registered was established in California, or check the box by "Out-of-State Order" if the order being registered was NOT established in California. Page 1, first box, top of form, right side: Leave this box blank for the court's use. Page 1, second box, right side: Print your case number in this box. This number is also shown on the notice or statement of registration you received. 1. Before you file your request for hearing with the court clerk you must ask the court clerk to set a hearing date for you. The court clerk will give you the information you need to complete this section. 2. In this section you are telling the court why you do not want the support order to be registered. You must check the reason. box by your a. Check this box if you are not a person named in the notice or statement of registration you received. b. You should check this box if the court that issued the support order did not have jurisdiction over you to issue the order. You may need legal advice to find out if this is a valid reason in your case. c. Check this box if your support order was obtained by fraud. You may need legal advice to find out if this is a valid reason in your case. d. You should check this box if a court has suspended or vacated your support order. You should also check this box if your support order was modified by a later order. If the order was modified, you must attach a copy of your most recent support order to your request for hearing. e. Check this box if you have already filed an appeal to your support order and a court has stopped the order until decided. FL-575 [Rev. January 1, 2017] the appeal is Page 3 of 4 REQUEST FOR HEARING REGARDING REGISTRATION OF SUPPORT ORDER American LegalNet, Inc. FL-575 In