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FL-910 1 Date of birth: Name: Street address: City: Request of Minor to Marry or Establish a Domestic Partnership Clerk stamps date here when form is filed. Minor Requesting Court Order State: Zip: Fill in court name and street address: Telephone number: 2 Minor's Proposed Spouse or Domestic Partner Date of birth: Name: Street address: City: Telephone number: State: Zip: Superior Court of California, County of Clerk fills in case number when form is filed. Case Number: 3 Your Lawyer's Information (if you have a lawyer): Name: Telephone number: Address: State Bar number: E-mail: 4 Request The people listed in 1 and 2 above request that the court grant permission for them to Marry Establish a domestic partnership. 5 Written Permission You must attach permission to marry or establish a domestic partnership in writing from the parent or guardian of each person under 18. Describe the permissions attached to this form. (Check all that apply): a. b. Permission from 1 's (check one): Other (explain): Permission from 2 's (check one): Other (explain): mother mother father father guardian guardian 6 Premarital Counseling If requesting permission to marry, the judge may require you to go to premarital counseling to learn about the social, economic, and personal responsibilities of marriage. 7 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: Person 1 signs here Date: Person 2 signs here Judicial Council of California, Revised January 1, 2012, Optional Form Family Code §§ 297, 297.1, 302304 Request of Minor to Marry or Establish a Domestic Partnership (Family Law) FL-910, Page 1 of 1 American LegalNet, Inc.