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Child Support Information And Order Attachment Form. This is a California form and can be use in Family Law - Motions Judicial Council.
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Tags: Child Support Information And Order Attachment, FL-342, California Judicial Council, Family Law - Motions
FL-342 PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: OTHER PARENT/PARTY: CASE NUMBER: CHILD SUPPORT INFORMATION AND ORDER ATTACHMENT TO Findings and Order After Hearing (form FL-340) Judgment (form FL-180) Restraining Order After Hearing (CLETS-OAH) (form DV-130) Other (specify): THE COURT USED THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF CHILD SUPPORT: 1. A printout of a computer calculation and findings is attached and incorporated in this order for all required items not filled out below. Income 2. Gross monthly Net monthly Receiving TANF/CaIWORKS income a. Each parent's monthly income is as follows: income Petitioner/plaintiff: $ Respondent/defendant: $ Other parent/party: $ b. Imputation of income. The court finds that the $ 3. per $ $ $ Petitioner/plaintiff Other parent/party Respondent/defendant has the capacity to earn: and has based the support order upon this imputed income. Children of this relationship a. Number of children who are the subjects of the support order (specify): b. Approximate percentage of time spent with petitioner/plaintiff: $ Hardships Respondent/defendant: $ Other parent/party: $ 4. % % % Other parent/ party $ $ $ Approximate ending time for the hardship Hardships for the following have been allowed in calculating child support: Petitioner/ Respondent/ plaintiff defendant a. Other minor children: $ $ Extraordinary medical expenses: $ Catastrophic losses: c. $ THE COURT ORDERS 5. b. $ $ Low-income adjustment a. The low-income adjustment applies. b. The low-income adjustment does not apply because (specify reasons): Child support a. Base child support Respondent/defendant Other parent/party must pay child support beginning Petitioner/plaintiff (date): and continuing until further order of the court, or until the child marries, dies, is emancipated, reaches age 19, or reaches age 18 and is not a full-time high school student, whichever occurs first, as follows: Child's name Date of birth Monthly amount Payable to (name): 6. Payable on the 1st of the month Other (specify): one-half on the 1st and one-half on the 15th of the month THIS IS A COURT ORDER. Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California FL-342 [Rev. January 1, 2017] Page 1 of 3 Family Code, §§ 40554069 American LegalNet, Inc. CHILD SUPPORT INFORMATION AND ORDER ATTACHMENT FL-342 PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: OTHER PARENT/PARTY: CASE NUMBER: THE COURT FURTHER ORDERS 6. b. Mandatory additional child support (1) Child-care costs related to employment or reasonably necessary job training (a) Petitioner/plaintiff must pay: % of total or $ (b) Respondent/defendant must pay: % of total or $ (c) Other parent/party must pay: % of total or $ (d) Costs to be paid as follows (specify): c. Mandatory additional child support (2) Reasonable uninsured health-care costs for the children (a) Petitioner/plaintiff must pay: % of total or $ Respondent/defendant must pay: (b) % of total or $ Other parent/party must pay: (c) % of total or $ Costs to be paid as follows (specify): (d) Additional child support (1) Costs related to the educational or other special needs of the children (a) (b) (c) (d) (2) (a) (b) (c) (d) e. Petitioner/plaintiff must pay: Respondent/defendant must pay: Other parent/party must pay: Costs to be paid as follows (specify): Travel expenses for visitation Petitioner/plaintiff must pay: Respondent/defendant must pay: Other parent/party must pay: Costs to be paid as follows (specify): % of total or % of total or % of total or $ $ $ per month. per month. per month. % of total or % of total or % of total or $ $ $ per month. per month. per month. per month per month per month child-care costs. child-care costs. child-care costs. d. per month. per month. per month. Non-Guideline Order This order does not meet the child support guideline set forth in Family Code section 4055. Non-Guideline Child Support Findings Attachment (form FL-342(A)) is attached. Total child support per month: $ f. Child Support Order Suspension When a person who has been ordered to pay child support is in jail or prison or is involuntarily institutionalized for any period of more than 90 days in a row, the child support order is temporarily stopped. However, the child support order will not be stopped if the person who owes support has the financial ability to pay that support while in jail, prison, or an institution. It will also not be stopped if the reason the person is in jail, prison, or an institution is because the person didn't pay court ordered child support or committed domestic violence against the supported person or child. The child support order starts again on the first day of the month after the person is released from jail, prison, or an institution. 7. Health-care expenses a. Health insurance coverage for the minor children of the parties must be maintained by the petitioner/plaintiff respondent/defendant other parent/party if available at no or reasonable cost through their respective places of employment or self-employment. Both parties are ordered to cooperate in the presentation, collection, and reimbursement of any health-care claims. The parent ordered to provide health insurance must seek continuation of coverage for the child after the child attains the age when the child is no longer considered eligible for coverage as a dependent under the insurance contract, if the child is incapable of self-sustaining employment because of a physically or mentally disabling injury, illness, or condition and is chiefly dependent upon the parent providing health insurance for support and maintenance. THIS IS A COURT ORDER. FL-342 [Rev. January 1, 2017] CHILD SUPPORT INFORMATION AND ORDER ATTACHMENT Page 2 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. FL-342 PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: OTHER PARENT/PARTY: CASE NUMBER: 7. b. c. Health insurance is not available to the petitioner/plaintiff respondent/defendant at a reasonable cost at this time. The party providing coverage must assign the right of reimbursement to the other party. other parent/party 8. Earnings assignment An earnings assignment order is issued. Note: The payor of child support is responsible for the payment of support directly to the recipient until support payments are deducted from the payor's wages and for payment of any support not paid by the assignment. 9. In the event that there is a contract between a party receiving support and a private ch