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FL-273 PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: OTHER PARENT: CASE NUMBER: DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO SET ASIDE JUDGMENT OF PATERNITY (Attach a copy of this declaration for each child for whom relief is requested.) 1. The orders requested are for the following child. The legal name, home address, date of birth, and county of residence are (specify if known, write "unknown" if unknown): a. Child's name: d. Date of birth: b. Address: c. County of residence: 2. The name, mailing address, and county of residence, or, if deceased, the date and place of death, of the following persons are ( if unknown, write "unknown"): a. Previously Established Father Name: Address: County of residence: Deceased Date of death: Place of death: c. Biological Father Name: Address: County of residence: Deceased Date of death: Place of death: e. Guardian of the child Name: Address: County of residence: Deceased Date of death: Place of death: g. Guardian Ad Litem of the child Name: Address: County of residence: Deceased Date of death: Place of death: 3. In support of this request, I declare: a. I believe the previously established father is not the biological father of the child. The specific reasons for this belief are (specify): h. Other (specify): Name: Address: County of residence: Deceased Date of death: Place of death: Same as above d. Biological Mother Name: Address: County of residence: Deceased Date of death: Place of death: f. Person with physical custody of the child Name: Address: County of residence: Deceased Date of death: Place of death: b. Previously Established Mother Name: Address: County of residence: Deceased Date of death: Place of death: Same as above included in the attached page(s). Page 1 of 2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California FL-273 [New January 1, 2006] DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO SET ASIDE JUDGMENT OF PATERNITY (Family Law--Governmental) American LegalNet, Inc. FL-273 PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: OTHER PARENT: CASE NUMBER: is is not another judgment of paternity in a different case for the same previously established father 3. b. There and child. The other court case is (specify case number, state, and county of court): A copy of the other judgment c. Other (specify): is is not attached. (If not attached, explain why.) COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF THERE IS A VOLUNTARY DECLARATION OF PATERNITY 4. The previously established father has signed a voluntary declaration of paternity for the child involved. a. A copy of the voluntary declaration of paternity b. There is is not is is not attached. (If not attached, explain why not.) an order for child support, custody, or visitation based on the voluntary declaration of in (specify state and county): is not attached. (If not attached, explain why not.) paternity, initially filed on (date): A copy of the order is c. The grounds for setting aside the voluntary declaration of paternity are (check all boxes that apply): (1) (2) No more than two years have passed since the date of birth of the child. No more than six months have passed since the date of the initial order for child support, custody, or visitation based on the voluntary declaration of paternity, and there is a mistake of fact or law, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect regarding the signing of the voluntary declaration of paternity. No more than one year has passed since the date fraud or perjury regarding the signing of the voluntary declaration of paternity was discovered or should have been discovered. Other (specify): (3) (4) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PERSON REQUESTING THESE ORDERS) FL-273 [New January 1, 2006] DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO SET ASIDE JUDGMENT OF PATERNITY (Family Law--Governmental) Page 2 of 2