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Attachment To Order Designating Educational Rights Holder Form. This is a California form and can be use in Juvenile Judicial Council.
Tags: Attachment To Order Designating Educational Rights Holder, JV-535(A), California Judicial Council, Juvenile
JV-535(A) CHILD'S NAME: General Information 1. 2. Child's or youth's date of birth: School information a. b. c. d. 3. School district: School (name and address): Foster youth educational liaison (Ed. Code, � 48853.5) (name and contact information): The child is currently expelled from school and may be eligible for readmission on or after (date): CASE NUMBER: Regional center (name and address): Service coordinator (name and contact information): 4. County placing agency (specify): a. b. Assigned social worker or probation officer (name and contact information): Supervising social worker or probation officer (name, address, and contact information): 5. Child's or youth's attorney (name, address, and contact information): THE COURT FINDS AND ORDERS 6. The child or youth is the subject of a petition filed under section 325. The child's parent or guardian is unavailable, unable, or unwilling to exercise educational or developmental services rights; the agency has made diligent efforts to locate and secure the participation of the parent or guardian in educational and developmental-services decisionmaking; and the child's or youth's educational and developmental-services needs cannot be met without the temporary appointment of a responsible adult as educational rights holder. Limitation of the rights of the parent(s) or guardian(s) to make decisions is necessary to protect the child or youth. The youth is at least 18 years old and a. b. 9. has chosen not to make educational developmental-services decisions for himself or herself. is deemed incompetent to make educational or developmental-services decisions for himself or herself. educational developmental-services 7. 8. (If 8a. or 8b. is checked): The appointment of an educational rights holder to make developmental-service decisions for the youth is in his or her best interests. The court has not ordered or has terminated reunification services for the parent or guardian, and the child or youth is placed in a planned permanent living arrangement under section 366.21(g)(5), 366.22, 366.26, 366.3(i), or 727.3(b)(5)�(6). 10. 11. There is is not a responsible adult relative, nonrelative extended family member, or other adult known to the child who is available and willing to serve as the educational rights holder. Page 1 of 2 Form Approved for Optional Use Judicial Council of California JV-535(A) [New January 1, 2014] ATTACHMENT TO ORDER DESIGNATING EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS HOLDER Welf. & Inst. Code, �� 361, 726 American LegalNet, Inc. JV-535(A) CHILD'S NAME: CASE NUMBER: 12. The child or youth is receiving special education, general education accommodations and modifications, early intervention services, or developmental services. Yes No 13. a. b. c. d. e. The child or youth is receiving services under the following plan (check all that apply): Individualized education program (IEP) Section 504 plan Individualized family service plan (IFSP) Individual program plan (IPP) Other (explain): The LEA or regional center must ensure that a copy of any plan is provided to the designated educational rights holder. 14. a. b. c. d. The child or youth needs the following educational or developmental assessments or services (check all that apply): The child is 0�3 years old, is at risk for a disability or has a developmental delay, and needs assessment for services. The child is 0�3 years old, has a disability, and needs the development of an IFSP. The child or youth is 3 years old or older, may have a disability, and needs intake and assessment for services. The child or youth is 3 years old or older, has a disability, and needs the development or revision of an IEP, IPP, or Section 504 plan. 15. The appointed educational rights holder must (check all that apply): a. b. c. d. e. f. Submit to the LEA a written referral for assessment for special education and related services or for services under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Submit to the regional center a written referral for an initial intake and eligibility assessment or evaluation. Submit to the LEA a written referral for assessment or services, or a written request to convene the IEP team to develop, review, or revise the pupil's IEP. Submit a written request to the regional center to convene the IFSP team to develop, review, or revise the IFSP. Submit a written request to the regional center to convene the IPP team to develop, review, or revise the IPP. Other: 16. The following person is directed under rule 5.649(c)�(d) to take whatever steps are necessary to request any assessments or services identified in item 14 or 15 (name and address unless confidential): 17. The current educational program and school placement are in the best interests of the child or youth. 18. The current IFSP, IPP, or other developmental services plan is in the best interests of the child or youth. 19. The child or youth is is not attending his or her school of origin. If not, has has not waived the child's or youth's right to attend the school of origin. has not waived his or her right to attend the school of origin. a. The educational rights holder b. The child or youth has 20. The county placing agency has considered educational stability and the opportunity to be educated in the least restrictive educational program when making placement decisions for the child or youth. JV-535(A) [New January 1, 2014] ATTACHMENT TO ORDER DESIGNATING EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS HOLDER Page 2 of 2