Determination Of Eligibility Deferred Entry Of Judgment
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Determination Of Eligibility Deferred Entry Of Judgment Form. This is a California form and can be use in Juvenile Judicial Council.
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Tags: Determination Of Eligibility Deferred Entry Of Judgment, JV-750, California Judicial Council, Juvenile
1. b.a.2. 3. The undersigned, a. Welfare and Institutions Code, 247247 790, 791 OF ELIGIBILITY Deferred Entry of Judgment227JuvenileForm Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California JV-750 [Rev. September 1, 2018]Page 1 of 1The youth will be 14 years or older at the time of the hearing on the deferred entry of judgment. e.f.d. The youth is eligible for probation under Penal Code section 1203.06.g.The youth has not previously been declared a ward of the court based on a finding that the minor committed a felony. c.There is no allegation that the youth committed an offense described in Welfare and Institutions Code section 707(b) or790(a)(7). b.The youth is alleged to have committed at least one felony offense. The youth has never been committed to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division of JuvenileJustice. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OFBRANCH NAME:CITY AND ZIP CODE:STREET ADDRESS:MAILING ADDRESS: CASE NAME: FOR COURT USE ONLY CASE NUMBER: DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBILITY Deferred Entry of Judgment227Juvenile ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY:STATE:ZIP CODE:CITY:STREET ADDRESS:FIRM NAME:NAME:TELEPHONE NO.:FAX NO.:E-MAIL ADDRESS:ATTORNEY FOR (name):STATE BAR NUMBER:JV-750informal formal (1) Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME)(name):, Deputy District Attorney, has reviewed the records,police reports, and other materials submitted regarding the above-referenced youth and has determined the following (check all applicable boxes):The youth's records indicate the following:The youth has never been on formal or informal probation. (4)The youth's probation has never been revoked. (3)The youth successfully completed a previous (2)The youth is presently on probation.informal formal probation program.The youth is ineligible The youth is eligible Citation and Written Notification for Deferred Entry of Judgment227Juvenile (form JV-751), is attached. (SIGNATURE OF DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY) American LegalNet, Inc.