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Juvenile Court Information For Parents Form. This is a California form and can be use in Juvenile Judicial Council.
Tags: Juvenile Court Information For Parents, JV-060, California Judicial Council, Juvenile
Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents Judicial Council of California, Revised January 1, 2019, Optional Form JV - 060 - INFO Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents JV - 060 - INFO , Page 1 of 9 Juvenile justicedelinquency 1 What Happens When Your Child Is Arrested notice to appearpetitionprobation officerMy child was arrested. What happens next? Warning!mustYour child might NOT be sent home immediately after the detention.mustWhat are my child222s legal rights after arrest? completedcompleted Will they tell my child about the right to remain silent? Miranda Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents Revised January 1, 2019 Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents JV - 060 - INFO , Page 2 of 9 JV - 060 - INFO mustDoes my child need a lawyer? effectivepreparedDo I need a lawyer for myself? restitutionvictim.If my child is required to meet with probation, how can we get ready? At the meeting, Miranda diversion programWhat happens if my child is taken to juvenile hall after getting arrested? notmustmustException:How long can they keep my child in juvenile hall? Can I visit my child in juvenile hall? What if the probation officer says a petition will be filed? Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents Revised January 1, 2019 Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents JV - 060 - INFO , Page 3 of 9 JV - 060 - INFO Are all petitions the same? misdemeanorfelony Can my child222s case be moved to adult court? ooooooWhat does the probation officer do? Why does the probation officer write a report? When does the judge see the reports? detention hearingdisposition hearingreview hearing Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents Revised January 1, 2019 Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents JV - 060 - INFO , Page 4 of 9 JV - 060 - INFO 2 Your Child222s Court Hearings and Orders Get Ready for Court How will I find out about court hearings? If your child is in custody If your child is in custodyCan I go to my child222s court hearings? mustHow many times will we have to go to court? See page 8 for a table of different hearing types.Do we have the right to an interpreter? Can I speak at the court hearings? Who else speaks at the court hearings? Can the victim go to the hearings? When is the first court hearing? If your child is in custody detention hearing,If your child is in custody, initial hearing, What is a jurisdiction hearing? Here222s what to expect: admitdeny American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents Revised January 1, 2019 Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents JV - 060 - INFO , Page 5 of 9 JV - 060 - INFO admitsdeniescontested hearingWhat happens at the 223trial224? If there is not enough proof to decide the charges are trueIf the judge decides the charges are truedisposition hearing.If your child is in custody What happens at the disposition hearing? youWhat if the judge puts my child on probation? How often will the probation officer see my child? What if the judge makes my child a ward of the court? What if the judge orders my child placed in foster care? If you live in a different county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uvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents Revised January 1, 2019 Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents JV - 060 - INFO , Page 6 of 9 JV - 060 - INFO What if the court sends my child to a secure county facility? What if the court sends my child to DJJ? If my child222s case was moved to adult court, can my child be sent to adult prison? musteven ifImportant!Do I have to pay for what my child did? Restitutioncivil judgment,Do I have to pay fees for services my child receives from the court or county? given to your childgiven to you or other family membersWhat are my responsibilities as a parent? What if my child is in foster care or in custody? Where can I find parenting resources? Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents Revised January 1, 2019 Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents JV - 060 - INFO , Page 7 of 9 JV - 060 - INFO 3 How to Keep Your Child222s Juvenile Court Records Private Will anyone be able to look at my child222s juvenile records? Exception:How can we seal my child222s juvenile records? Sealing at dismissal.Sealing of Records for Satisfactory Completion of Probation.Sealing on request.not notHow to Ask the Court to Seal YourRecords,Sealing not allowed.Can my child222s juvenile court record be used against him or her as an adult? Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents Revised January 1, 2019 Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents JV - 060 - INFO , Page 8 of 9 JV - 060 - INFO Court Hearings in Juvenile Justice Court Kind of Hearing What happens at this hearing Detention The judge will decide if your child can go home or must stay in custody until the next hearing. Transfer to Criminal Court The juvenile court judge will decide if the case of a child who is 14 or older should be transferred to adult criminal court. Children under 14 cannot have their cases transferred to adult court. This hearing only happens for very serious or violent charges and only if the prosecuting attorney (DA) asks for the transfer. Jurisdiction, part 1 (pretrial or settlement conference) The judge, lawyers, and probation officer try to resolve the case without having a trial. The judge decides if your child actually did what the petition says. The judge will ask your child to admit or deny the charges listed in the petition. Your child222s lawyer will consider the evidence and possible outcomes, and then advise your child what to do. If your child admits the charges, your child will give up the right to a trial. The judge will decide that the petition is true. If your child denies the charges, there will be a trial, usually a week or two later. Jurisdiction, part 2 (trial) At the trial, the prosecuting attorney will show evidence to prove the charges. Then your child222s lawyer will present your child222s defense. The judge will consider all the evidence and decide if the charges are true 223beyond a reasonable doubt.224 226If there is not enough proof to decide the charges are true, the judge will dismiss the case. If yourchild is in custody, she or he will be let go. 226 If the judge decides the charges are true , there will be a disposition hearing. Disposition This happens only if the judge decides that the petition is true. The judge then decides what orders to make for your child. This hearing is often right after the jurisdiction hearing but can also be postponed to another day. Hearings on Motions The court decides legal questions that affect the case. Review Hearings This hearing provides a way for the court to check how your child is doing on probation or in placement. If your child is placed in foster care, the court must hold a review hearing at least once every six months. Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents Revised January 1, 2019 Juvenile Justice Court: Information for Parents JV - 060 - INFO , Page 9 of 9 JV - 060 - INFO GLOSSARY OF TERMS Civil Judgment:Detention hearing:Felony:In-custody detention:Juvenile delinquency:juvenile justice,Juvenile justice:Miranda:Misdemeanor:Notice to appear:Notice of hearing:Petition:601 petition:602 petition:Probation officer:Restitution:Terms terms and conditions of probation:Ward: