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Address: Form Approved for Optional Use Judicial Council of California JV-600 [Rev. September 1, 2018] Welfare and Institutions Code, 247 601 et seq. Cal. Rules of Court, rule 5.504 WARDSHIP PETITIONAddress:a.b.Under a previous order of this court, dated, the child was declared a ward under Welfare andInstitutions Code sectionPage 1 of 2Petitioner on information and belief alleges the following:1. 602 601(b) 601(a)Violation (specify code section): 602 601(b) 601(a)c.Child's name and address:d.Age:e.Date of birth:f.Sex:g.If mother or father (check all that apply): k.Attorney for child (if known): Address:Name:i.Name:h.Name: If mother or father (check all that apply): If mother or father (check all that apply):j.Other (name, address, and relationship to child): Phone number:Child isI. not detained.Date and time of detention (custody): (See important notices on page 2) JV-600 CHILD'S NAME: FOR COURT USE ONLY CASE NUMBER: 247602 247601(b) 247601(a)JUVENILE WARDSHIP PETITIONCurrent place of detention (address):Address: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OFSTREET ADDRESS:MAILING ADDRESS:CITY AND ZIP CODE:BRANCH NAME: ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEYSTATE BAR NUMBER:NAME:FIRM NAME:STREET ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP CODE:TELEPHONE NO.:FAX NO.:E-MAIL ADDRESS:ATTORNEY FOR (name): American LegalNet, Inc. 3.I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing and all attachments are true and correct.JV-600 CASE NUMBER: CHILD'S NAME:2.Petitioner requests that the court find these allegations to be true. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME)(SIGNATURE OF PETITIONER) Number of pages attached: TO PARENTS OR OTHERS LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE CHILDThe court may seal your records at the conclusion of your case or you may request sealing at a later date. Please see form JV-595-INFO, How to Ask the Court to Seal Your Records, and form JV-596-INFO, Sealing of Records for Satisfactory Completion of Probation, available through your attorney or, for more information about record sealing. JV-600 [Rev. September 1, 2018] Page 2 of 2JUVENILE WARDSHIP PETITIONRECORD SEALINGYou and your child may be required to pay any restitution owed to the victim and any fines or penalties ordered by the court. In addition, if you or family members other than your child receive services or legal assistance paid for by the court or county, you may be required to pay back the cost of those services unless the court or county decides that you can't afford to pay. American LegalNet, Inc.