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JV-800 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: NAME: FIRM NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: ATTORNEY FOR (name): STATE: FAX NO.: ZIP CODE: STATE BAR NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: CHILD'S NAME: CASE NUMBER: NOTICE OF APPEAL--JUVENILE -- NOTICE -- � You or your attorney must fill in items 1 and 2 and sign this form at the bottom of the page. If possible, to help process your appeal, fill in items 4�6 on the reverse of this form. � Rule 8.406 says that to appeal from an order or judgment, you must file a written notice of appeal within 60 days after rendition of the judgment or the making of the order being appealed or, in matters heard by a referee, within 60 days after the order of the referee becomes final. � You are advised that if you wish to file an appeal of the order for transfer to a tribal court, you (1) may ask the juvenile court to stay (delay the effective date of) the transfer order and (2) must file the appeal before the transfer to tribal jurisdiction is finalized. Read rule 5.483 and the advisory committee comment. 1. I appeal from the findings and orders of the court (specify date of order or describe order): 2. This appeal is filed by a. Appellant (name): b. Address: c. Phone number: d. Name, address, and phone number of person to be contacted (if different from appellant): 3. I request that the court appoint an attorney on appeal. I the superior court. was was not represented by an appointed attorney in Date: TYPE OR PRINT NAME SIGNATURE OF APPELLANT ATTORNEY 4. Items 5 through 7 on the reverse are completed not completed. Page 1 of 2 Form Approved for Optional Use Judicial Council of California JV-800 [Rev. Jan 1, 2016] NOTICE OF APPEAL--JUVENILE Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.400, 8.401, 8.405, 8.406 American LegalNet, Inc. JV-800 CHILD'S NAME: CASE NUMBER: 5. Appellant is the child a. b. mother father c. guardian d. e. de facto parent f. g. h. i. county welfare department district attorney child's tribe other (state relationship to child or interest in the case): 6. This notice of appeal pertains to the following child or children (specify number of children included): a. Name of child: Child's date of birth: b. Name of child: Child's date of birth: c. Name of child: Child's date of birth: d. Name of child: Child's date of birth: Continued in Attachment 5. 7. The order appealed from was made under Welfare and Institutions Code (check all that apply): Section 305.5 (transfer to tribal court) a. Granting transfer to tribal court b. Section 360 (declaration of dependency) Removal of custody from parent or guardian with review of section 300 jurisdictional findings Dates of hearing (specify): Other orders c. Section 366.26 (selection and implementation of permanent plan in which a petition for extraordinary writ review that substantively addressed the specific issues to be challenged was timely filed and summarily denied or otherwise not decided on the merits) Appointment of guardian Termination of parental rights Planned permanent living arrangement Dates of hearing (specify): d. Section 366.28 (order designating a specific placement after termination of parental rights in which a petition for extraordinary writ review that substantively addressed the specific issues to be challenged was timely filed and summarily denied or otherwise not decided on the merits) Dates of hearing (specify): e. Other appealable orders relating to dependency (specify): Dates of hearing (specify): f. Section 725 (declaration of wardship and other orders) with review of section 601 jurisdictional findings with review of section 602 jurisdictional findings Dates of hearing (specify): g. Other appealable orders relating to wardship (specify): Dates of hearing (specify): h. Other (specify): JV-800 [Rev. Jan 1, 2016] NOTICE OF APPEAL--JUVENILE Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.