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Order Of Adoption Of Nonminor Dependent Form. This is a California form and can be use in Juvenile Judicial Council.
Tags: Order Of Adoption Of Nonminor Dependent, JV-479, California Judicial Council, Juvenile
JV-479 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: ATTORNEY FOR (Name): FAX NO. (Optional): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: NONMINOR'S NAME: CASE NUMBER: ORDER OF ADOPTION OF NONMINOR DEPENDENT 1. Name(s) of prospective adoptive parent(s): 2. Name of nonnminor dependent: 3. a. b. c. Date of Hearing: Judicial Officer: Present: Prospective adoptive parent(s) Nonminor dependent County counsel Other (specify): 4. Date and place of nonminor dependent's birth (specify): married/registered domestic partner(s) single. Attorney for prospective adoptive parent(s): Attorney for nonminor dependent: Social worker Probation officer Dept.: 5. The prospective adoptive parent(s) is or are THE COURT FINDS AND ORDERS 6. Notice was given as required by law. 7. All consents required by law have been filed with the court. 8. The nonminor dependent and prospective adoptive parent(s) are present for the hearing. 9. The court has read and considered and admits into evidence the adoption assessment report prepared by the social worker. a. the adoption assessment report prepared by the probation officer. b. c. d. other (specify): other (specify): 10. The court has considered the wishes of the nonminor dependent. is 11. The nonminor dependent has/have adoptive parent(s) which is attached to the report. is not eligible for adoption assistance program benefits, and the prospective a copy of has/have not signed a negotiated adoption assistance agreement, Page 1 of 2 Form Approved for Optional Use Judicial Council of California JV-479 [New October 25, 2013] ORDER OF ADOPTION OF NONMINOR DEPENDENT Welfare and Institutions Code, � 366.31(f) American LegalNet, Inc. JV-479 NONMINOR'S NAME: CASE NUMBER: 12. The adoption is in the best interest of the nonminor dependent. 13. The prospective adoptive parent(s) and the nonminor dependent have mutually consented to the adoption, as evidenced by their execution of the agreement of adoption dated (insert date): filed with the court. 14. The agency has provided all documents necessary to the nonminor dependent under Welfare and Institutions Code section 391(e). 15. Agreement of Adoption of Nonminor Dependent (form JV-475) is approved. 16. The nonminor dependent is now adopted by the adoptive parent(s), and the nonminor dependent and adoptive parent(s) will assume toward each other the legal relationship of parent(s) and child and will have all of the rights and be subject to all of the duties and responsibilities of that relationship. 17. The birth parents of the nonminor dependent are, from the time of the adoption, relieved of all parental duties toward, and responsibility for, the adopted nonminor dependent and have no rights over the adopted nonminor dependent. 18. The nonminor dependent's name after adoption shall be (adoptee's full name, whether keeping original birth name or changing name): . 19. The juvenile court's terminated. dependency delinquency transition jurisdiction over the nonminor dependent is Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) JUDICIAL OFFICER JV-479 [New October 25, 2013] ORDER OF ADOPTION OF NONMINOR DEPENDENT Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.