Promise To Appear-Juvenile Delinquency (Juvenile 14 Years Or Older)
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Promise To Appear-Juvenile Delinquency (Juvenile 14 Years Or Older) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Juvenile Judicial Council.
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Tags: Promise To Appear-Juvenile Delinquency (Juvenile 14 Years Or Older), JV-635, California Judicial Council, Juvenile
JV-635 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: FOR COURT USE ONLY CASE NAME: PROMISE TO APPEAR--JUVENILE DELINQUENCY (Juvenile 14 Years or Older) LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY: REPORT NUMBER: Name of child: Date of birth of child: Address of child: Phone number of child: Name of parent, legal guardian, or adult relative: Address of parent, legal guardian, or adult relative (if different from that of child): Phone number of parent, legal guardian, or adult relative (if different from that of child): 1. I have been arrested for one or more of the following felony offenses (list code violations alleged): 2. The who is my peace officer mother probation officer father is releasing me to (name): relative (state relationship): legal guardian 3. I PROMISE TO APPEAR on (date): located at at (time): courthouse address above in Dept.: other (specify address): Room: 4. I understand that if I do not come to court on the date and at the time indicated, the court may order that a warrant be issued for my arrest. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF CHILD) (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PARENT LEGAL GUARDIAN RELATIVE) Witnessed by: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) SIGNATURE OF PROBATION OFFICER PEACE OFFICER (agency): Request for Accommodations Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted real-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services are available if you are ask at least five days before the proceeding. Contact the clerk's office or go to for Request for Accommodations by Persons With Disabilities and Order (form MC-410. (Civil Code, § 54.8.) Page 1 of 1 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California JV-635 [Rev. May 22, 2017] PROMISE TO APPEAR--JUVENILE DELINQUENCY (Juvenile 14 Years or Older) Welfare and Institutions Code, § 629 Penal Code, § 830830.6 · ORIGINAL--Transmitted to court · Copy to youth · Copy to parent, guardian, or relative · Copy to probation American LegalNet, Inc.