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Declaration In Support Of Petition For Relief From Financial Obligations Form. This is a California form and can be use in Military Service Judicial Council.
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Tags: Declaration In Support Of Petition For Relief From Financial Obligations, MIL-015, California Judicial Council, Military Service
MIL-015 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: ATTORNEY FOR (Name): FAX NO.: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: PETITION OF (Name of petitioner): DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF PETITION FOR RELIEF FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS DURING MILITARY SERVICE CASE NUMBER: I (name): declare as follows: 1. I am or was a member of the National Guard or a reservist of the United States military reserves, and I (check the applicable boxes): have been called or ordered into am currently serving am within six months of having completed full-time active duty service in the state or federal armed services or reserves. (Mil. & Vet. Code, § 400(b).) 2. The effective date of the orders for my most current period of military service is: 3. My expected dates and location of full-time active service are as follows (describe dates [including beginning and release dates] and location in service, with rank, branch, and unit of service): 4. I have attached as Exhibit A a true and correct copy of (check one): my military orders a certificate attesting to information in item 3 signed by an appropriately authorized officer of my military department branch or unit other documents as evidence of my military service, listed below. (Bring original of documents to hearing if available.) 5. The financial obligation or liability from which I am seeking relief is (identify and describe in detail what obligation or liability to respondent you are seeking relief from, including when they were incurred): Continued on form MC-025 (attach that form if you need more space). 6. I have attached as Exhibit B true and correct copies of evidence of the above obligation as follows (Attach copy of mortgage statement, loan statement, bill, tax bill, or other evidence of your financial obligations or liabilities and list the documents below.) Page 1 of 2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California MIL-015 [New January 1, 2012] DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF PETITION FOR RELIEF FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS DURING MILITARY SERVICE Military and Veterans Code § 409.3 American LegalNet, Inc. MIL-015 PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: CASE NUMBER: 7. The following facts show why my ability to pay the financial obligation or liability to respondent has been materially affected by my most current period of military service: 6 Continued on form MC-025 (attach that form if you need more space). 8. I have attached as Exhibit C copies of documents that support the above facts. (List any documents you have attached to support the facts described above): 9. Number of pages attached to this declaration: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing, including statements on all attachments, is true and correct. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF DECLARANT) MIL-015 [New January 1, 2012] (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) Page 2 of 2 DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF PETITION FOR RELIEF FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS DURING MILITARY SERVICE