Ex Parte Petition For Final Discharge And Order (Probate-Decedents Estates And Conservatorships)
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Ex Parte Petition For Final Discharge And Order (Probate-Decedents Estates And Conservatorships) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Probate-Decedents Estates Judicial Council.
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Tags: Ex Parte Petition For Final Discharge And Order (Probate-Decedents Estates And Conservatorships), DE-295 GC-395, California Judicial Council, Probate-Decedents Estates
DE-295/GC-395 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): FAX NO. (Optional): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: ESTATE (Name): CONSERVATORSHIP GUARDIANSHIP OF DECEDENT CONSERVATEE MINOR CASE NUMBER: EX PARTE PETITION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE AND ORDER 1. Petitioner is the personal representative conservator guardian of the estate of the above-named decedent, conservatee, or minor. Petitioner has distributed or transferred all property of the estate as required by the final order and all preliminary orders for distribution or liquidation filed in this proceeding on (specify date each order was filed): 2. All required acts of distribution or liquidation have been performed as follows (check all that apply): All personal property, including money, stocks, bonds, and other securities, has been delivered or transferred to the a. distributees or transferees as ordered by the court. The receipts of all distributees or transferees are now on file or are filed with this petition. Conformed copies of all receipts previously filed are attached on Attachment 2. No personal property is on hand for distribution or transfer. b. c. Real property was distributed or transferred. The order for distribution or transfer of the real property; the personal representative's, conservator's, or guardian's deed; or both, were recorded as follows (specify documents recorded, dates and locations of recording, and document numbers or other appropriate recording information): No real property is on hand for distribution or transfer. No receipts are required because Petitioner is the sole distributee. The minor named above attained the age of majority on (date): 3. Petitioner requests discharge as personal representative, conservator, or guardian of the estate. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. d. e. f. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF PETITIONER) (SIGNATURE OF PETITIONER) ORDER FOR FINAL DISCHARGE THE COURT FINDS that the facts stated in the foregoing Ex Parte Petition for Final Discharge are true. THE COURT ORDERS that (name): is discharged as personal representative conservator guardian of the estate of the above-named decedent, conservatee, or minor, and sureties are discharged and released from liability for all acts subsequent hereto. Date: JUDICIAL OFFICER SIGNATURE FOLLOWS LAST ATTACHMENT. Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California DE-295/GC-395 [New January 1, 2006] Page 1 of 1 Probate Code, §§ 2100, 2627, 2631, 11753, 12250; www.courtinfo.ca.gov American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com EX PARTE PETITION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE AND ORDER (Probate--Decedents' Estates and Conservatorships and Guardianships)