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COUNTY . . . . . . . . . . . .OF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): Index No. Calendar No. DE-120 FOR COURT USE ONLY : : : Plaintiff(s) -againstTELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): FAX NO. (Optional): JUDICIAL SUBPOENA : : SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: Defendant(s) : ...................................................... CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: ESTATE OF (Name): IN THE MATTER OF (Name): THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK TO DECEDENT TRUST OTHER CASE NUMBER: NOTICE OF HEARING--DECEDENT'S ESTATE OR TRUST This notice is required by law. This notice does not require you to appear in court, but you may attend the hearing if you wish. GREETINGS: 1. NOTICE is given that (name): the Honorable (representative capacity, if any): WE COMMAND YOU, that all business and excuses being laid aside, you and each of you attend before , at the Court located at County of has filed (specify):* in room , on the day of , 20 , at o'clock in the noon, and at any recessed or adjourned date, to testify and give evidence as a witness in this action on the part of the Your failure to comply with this subpoena is punishable as a contempt of court and will make you liable to the party on whose behalf this subpoena was issued for a maximum penalty of $50 and all damages sustained as a result of your failure to comply. Witness, Honorable County, , one of the Justices of the day of , 20 Court in 2. 3. You may refer to the filed documents for more information. (Some documents filed with the court are confidential.) A HEARING on the matter will be held as follows: a. b. Date: Address of court Time: shown above is (specify): Dept.: (Attorney must sign above and type name below) Room: Attorney(s) for Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted real-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services are Office and P.O. Address available upon request if at least 5 days notice is provided. Contact the clerk's office for Request for Accommodations by Persons With Disabilities and Order (form MC-410). (Civil Code section 54.8.) Telephone 8100 * Do not use this form to give notice of a petition to administer estate (see Prob. Code, § No.: and form DE-121) or notice of a hearing in a guardianship or conservatorship (see Prob. Code, §§Facsimile 1822 and form GC-020). 1511 and No.: Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California DE-120 [Rev. July 1, 2005] E-Mail Address: NOTICE OF HEARING--DECEDENT'SMobile Tel. No.: ESTATE OR TRUST (Probate--Decedents' Estates) Page 1 of 2 Probate Code §§ 851, 1211, 1215, 1216, 1230, 17100 American LegalNet, Inc. ESTATE OF (Name): IN THE MATTER OF (Name): CASE NUMBER: DECEDENT TRUST OTHER CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF POSTING 1. I certify that I am not a party to this cause. 2. A copy of the foregoing Notice of Hearing--Decedent's Estate or Trust a. was posted at (address): b. was posted on (date): Date: Clerk, by , Deputy PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL * 1. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to this cause. I am a resident of or employed in the county where the mailing occurred. 2. My residence or business address is (specify): 3. I served the foregoing Notice of Hearing--Decedent's Estate or Trust on each person named below by enclosing a copy in an envelope addressed as shown below AND a. b. depositing the sealed envelope on the date and at the place shown in item 4 with the United States Postal Service with the postage fully prepaid. placing the envelope for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown in item 4 following our ordinary business practices. I am readily familiar with this business's practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid. Date mailed: b. Place mailed (city, state): 4. a. 5. I served with the Notice of Hearing--Decedent's Estate or Trust a copy of the petition or other document referred to in the Notice. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM) (SIGNATURE OF PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON TO WHOM NOTICE WAS MAILED Name of person served 1. Address (number, street, city, state, and zip code) 2. 3. 4. Continued on an attachment. (You may use Attachment to Notice of Hearing Proof of Service by Mail, form DE-120(MA)/GC-020(MA), for this purpose.) * Do not use this form for proof of personal service. You may use form DE-120(P) to prove personal service of this Notice. DE-120 [Rev. July 1, 2005] NOTICE OF HEARING--DECEDENT'S ESTATE OR TRUST (Probate--Decedents' Estates) Page 2 of 2