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Report Of Sale And Petition For Order Confirming Sale Of Real Property (Probate-Decendents Estates) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Probate-Decedents Estates Judicial Council.
Tags: Report Of Sale And Petition For Order Confirming Sale Of Real Property (Probate-Decendents Estates), DE-260 GC-060, California Judicial Council, Probate-Decedents Estates
American LegalNet, confirmation of sale of the estate's interest in other property sold as a unit as described in Attachment 2c. DE-260/GC-060 FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF DECEDENTCONSERVATEEMINOR REPORT OF SALE AND PETITION FOR ORDER CONFIRMING SALE OF REAL PROPERTYand Sale of Other Property Sold as a UnitPetitioner (name of each):is thepurchaser (30 days have passed since the sale) (Attach supporting declaration (Prob. Code, 247 10308(b).)and requests a court order for (check all that apply):% of the amount of: $is not required.additional bondis fixed at: $Description of property sold 100%%Undivided (specify):ImprovedUnimprovedReal property sold as a unit with other property (describe in Attachment 2c).Street address and location (specify):Legal description is affixed as Attachment 2e.AppraisalDate of death of decedent or appointment of conservator or guardian (specify):Appraised value at above date: $Amount includes value of other property Reappraised value within one year before the hearing: $has been filedwill be filedManner and terms of sale attorney for the personal representative.personal representativePurchaser is theb.Sale wasprivateDeposit: $Amount bid: $PaymentCashCredit (specify terms on Attachment 4e.) Other terms of sale (specify terms on Attachment 4f.)Mode of sale specified in will.Petitioner requests relief from complying for the reasons stated in Attachment 4g.Terms comply with Probate Code section 2542 (guardianships and conservatorships). REPORT OF SALE AND PETITION FOR ORDER CONFIRMING SALE OF REAL PROPERTY (Probate227Decedents' Estates and Guardianships and Conservatorships)Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California DE-260/GC-060 [Rev. January 1, 2006]Appraisal or reappraisal by probate refereeName of purchaser and manner of vesting title (specify):Interest sold:(Name): ESTATE CONSERVATORSHIP GUARDIANSHIP OF ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): FAX NO. (Optional):TELEPHONE NO.:E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional):ATTORNEY FOR (Name):Page 1 of 21.2.3.a.b.c.d.4.a.e.Probate Code, 247247 2540, of sale of the estate's interest in the real property described in Attachment 2eapproval of commission of (specify):personal representativeconservator a.b.c.d.a.b.c.d.sold as a unit. (If more than one year has elapsed from the date in item 3a to the date of the hearing, reappraisal is required.) c.d.e.public on (date):f.g.h.STREET ADDRESS:MAILING ADDRESS:CITY AND ZIP CODE:BRANCH NAME:guardian of the estate of the decedent, conservatee, or minor has been waived by order dated: CASE NUMBER: HEARING DATE AND TIME:DEPT.:CASE NUMBER:CommissionSale without brokera.contract for commission was entered into with (name):exclusivenonexclusiveb.A writtenPurchaser was procured by (name): c.d.Bondnone.Amount before sale: $ none.Proceeds are to be deposited in a blocked account. Receipts will be filed. (Specify institution and location):Notice of salePosted as permitted by Probate Code section 10301 ($5,000 or less)PublishedNotice of hearing Personal representative, conservator of the estate, or guardian of the estate:Special notice:Formula for overbids Reason for sale (need not complete if item 7b or 7c checked)Necessary to paya.The sale is to the advantage of the estate and in the best interest of the interested persons.b.Overbid. Required amount of first overbid (see item 10): $Number of pages attached:Date: * (Signature of all petitioners also required (Prob. Code, � 1020).)(SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY*)I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.Date:(TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE OF PETITIONER)(TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF PETITIONER)REPORT OF SALE AND PETITION FOR ORDER CONFIRMING SALE OF REAL PROPERTY (Probate?Decedents' Estates and Guardianships and Conservatorships) DE-260 GC-060 [Rev. January 1, 2006]Page 2 of 2 Commission is to be divided as follows:Additional amount needed: $Special devisee:a licensed real estate broker who is not buying for his or her account. debtsdevisefamily allowanceexpenses of administrationtaxes(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(1)(2)(3)None requested. Has been or will be waived. Required written notice will be given.(1)(2)(3)None.Consent to be filed.Written notice will be given.c.(1)(2)(3)Petitioner (consent or notice not required).Consent to be filed.Written notice will be given.Will authorizes sale of the property Will directs sale of the propertya.b.c.Petitioner's efforts to obtain the highest and best price reasonably attainable for the property were as follows (specify activities taken to expose the property to the market, e.g., multiple listings, advertising, open houses, etc.):10. Original bid:10% of first $10,000 of original bid:5% of (original bid minus $10,000):Minimum overbid (a + b + c): a.b.c.d.$$$$a.b.c.ESTATE CONSERVATORSHIP GUARDIANSHIP OF (Name): DE-260/GC-060