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Spousal Or Domestic Partner Property Order Form. This is a California form and can be use in Probate-Decedents Estates Judicial Council.
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Tags: Spousal Or Domestic Partner Property Order, DE-226, California Judicial Council, Probate-Decedents Estates
DE-226 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (name, address, and State Bar number): After recording, return to: TEL NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS (optional): ATTORNEY FOR (name): FAX NO. (optional): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY BRANCH NAME: ESTATE OF (Name): DECEDENT CASE NUMBER: SPOUSAL 1. Date of hearing: Dept.: DOMESTIC PARTNER Time: Room: PROPERTY ORDER FOR COURT USE ONLY THE COURT FINDS 2. All notices required by law have been given. 3. Decedent died on (date): a. a resident of the California county named above. b. a nonresident of California and left an estate in the county named above. c. intestate. testate. surviving registered domestic partner 4. Decedent's is (name): surviving spouse THE COURT FURTHER FINDS AND ORDERS 5. a. b. 6. The property described in Attachment 5a is property passing to the surviving spouse or surviving registered domestic partner named in item 4, and no administration of it is necessary. See Attachment 5b for further order(s) respecting transfer of the property to the surviving spouse or surviving registered domestic partner named in item 4. To protect the interests of the creditors of (business name): , an unincorporated trade or business, a list of all its known creditors and the amount owed each is on file. Within (specify): days from this date, the surviving spouse or surviving registered domestic partner a. named in item 4 shall file an undertaking in the amount of $ See Attachment 6b for further order(s) protecting the interests of creditors of the business. b. The property described in Attachment 7a is property that belonged to the surviving spouse or surviving registered domestic partner under Family Code section 297.5 and Probate Code sections 100 and 101, and the surviving spouse's or surviving domestic partner's ownership upon decedent's death is confirmed. See Attachment 7b for further order(s) respecting transfer of the property to the surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner. All property described in the Spousal or Domestic Partner Property Petition that is not determined to be property passing to the surviving spouse or surviving registered domestic partner under Probate Code section 13500, or confirmed as belonging to the surviving spouse or surviving registered domestic partner under Probate Code sections 100 and 101, shall be subject All of such property is described in Attachment 8. to administration in the estate of decedent. Other (specify): Continued in Attachment 9. 10. Number of pages attached: Date: JUDICIAL OFFICER SIGNATURE FOLLOWS LAST ATTACHMENT Page 1 of 1 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California DE-226 [Rev. January 1, 2015] 7. a. b. 8. 9. SPOUSAL OR DOMESTIC PARTNER PROPERTY ORDER (Probate--Decedents Estates) Family Code, § 297.5; Probate Code, § 13656 American LegalNet, Inc.