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Deposition Subpoena For Personal Appearance In Action Pending Outside California Form. This is a California form and can be use in Subpoena Judicial Council.
Tags: Deposition Subpoena For Personal Appearance In Action Pending Outside California, SUBP-040, California Judicial Council, Subpoena
American LegalNet, Inc. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TO (name, address, and telephone number of deponent, if known):YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR IN PERSON TO TESTIFY AS A WITNESS in the action specified above at the following date, time, and place: Address:Time:Date:As a deponent who is not a natural person, you are ordered to designate one or more persons to testify on your behalf as to the matters described in item 2. (Code Civ. Proc., 247 2025.230.)a.b.This deposition will be recorded stenographicallythrough the instant visual display of testimonyand byvideotape.If the witness is a representative of a business or other entity, the matters upon which the witness is to be examined are as2.follows: Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California SUBP-040 [New January 1, 2010]Code of Civil Procedure, 247247 2029.100226900, 2020.310, DEPOSITION SUBPOENA FOR PERSONAL APPEARANCEIN ACTION PENDING OUTSIDE CALIFORNIA 2025.230, 2025.220, 2025.250, 2025.620; Government Code, 247 SUBPOENA FOR PERSONAL APPEARANCEIN ACTION PENDING OUTSIDE CALIFORNIA 1. FOR COURT USE ONLYATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address):ATTORNEY FOR (Name):SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STREET ADDRESS:MAILING ADDRESS:CITY AND ZIP CODE:BRANCH NAME:SUBP-040 TELEPHONE NO.:E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional):FAX NO. (Optional): PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER:DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Name of Court: STREET ADDRESS:MAILING ADDRESS:CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE:COUNTRY:Court in which action is pending:Page 1 of 2Court for county in which discovery is to be conducted: audiotapeContinued on Attachment 2 (use form MC-025). Continued on Attachment 3 (use form MC-025). Attorneys of record in this action or parties without attorneys are (name, address, telephone number, and name of party represented):3. CASE NUMBER (of action pending outside California):CALIFORNIA CASE NUMBER (if any assigned by court):PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT:PROOF OF SERVICE OF DEPOSITION SUBPOENA FOR PERSONAL APPEARANCE1. I served this Deposition Subpoena for Personal Appearance in Action Pending Outside California by personally delivering a DEPOSITION SUBPOENA FOR PERSONAL APPEARANCEIN ACTION PENDING OUTSIDE CALIFORNIAPage 2 of 2SUBP-040 [ New January 1, 2010]SUBP-040 A t the deposition, you will be asked questions under oath. Questions and answers are recorded stenographically at the deposition; later they are transcribed for possible use at trial. You may read the written record and change any incorrect answers before you sign the deposition. You are entitled to receive witness fees and mileage actually traveled both ways. The money must be paid, at the option of the party giving notice of the deposition, either with service of this subpoena or at the time of the deposition. Unless the court orders or you agree otherwise, if you are being deposed as an individual, the deposition must take place within 75 miles of your residence. The location of the deposition for all deponents is governed by Code of Civil Procedure section 2025.250. DISOBEDIENCE OF THIS SUBPOENA MAY BE PUNISHED AS CONTEMPT BY THIS COURT. YOU WILL ALSO BE LIABLE FOR THE SUM OF $500 AND ALL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM YOUR FAILURE TO OBEY.Date issued: (SIGNATURE OF PERSON ISSUING SUBPOENA)(TITLE)(TYPE OR PRINT NAME) 5. b. Address where served:c. Date of delivery:d. Time of delivery:e. Witness fees and mileage both ways (check one): (1)were paid. Amount: . . . . . . . . . . .$ (2)were not paid. were tendered to the witness's public entity employer as required by Government Code section 68097.2. The amount tendered was (specify): (3)$f. Fee for service: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2. I received this subpoena for service on (date):3. Person serving:Not a registered California process serverCalifornia sheriff or marshal a. b. Registered California process serverc. Employee or independent contractor of a registered California process server Exempt from registration under Business and Professions Code section 22350(b)d. e.(For California sheriff or marshal use only) I certify that the foregoing is true and correct.I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.Date:Date: (SIGNATURE)(SIGNATURE) Continued on Attachment 4 (use form MC-025). 4. Other terms or provisions from out-of-state subpoena, if any (specify): a. Person servedf. Name, address, telephone number, and, if applicable, county of registration and number:copy to the person served as follows: CASE NUMBER (of action pending outside California):