Fictitious Business Name Additional Information (Alameda Clerk-Recorders Office)
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Fictitious Business Name Additional Information (Alameda Clerk-Recorders Office) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Alameda Local County.
Tags: Fictitious Business Name Additional Information (Alameda Clerk-Recorders Office), 275-321-C, California Local County, Alameda
275-321C [Rev. 10/18] MELISSA WILK, Alameda County Clerk-Recorder 1106 Madison Street, Oakland, CA 94607 Telephone: (510) 272-6362 Website: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FORM TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY AND FIRMLY IN BLACK OR DARK BLUE INK ONLY FILE NUMBER: (Do not write above this line) ADDITIONAL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMES (one business name per line) PAGE of ADDITIONAL REGISTERED OWNER(S): White - Yellow Copy - Bank & other Required Needs (Certified) Pink Copy - Newspaper Copy Goldenrod Copy - () () () () () () () () () 5. Registrant /Corp/LLC Residence Address (P.O. Box not accepted) C it y S t a t e Z ip I f C o rp o r at i o n o r L L C P ri n t S t a te o f I n co r p o r at i on / O rg a ni z a ti on 6. Registrant /Corp/LLC Residence Address (P.O. Box not accepted) C it y S t a t e Z ip I f C o rp o r at i o n o r L L C P ri n t S t a te o f I n co r p o r at i on / O rg a ni z a ti on 7. Registrant /Corp/LLC Residence Address (P.O. Box not accepted) C it y S t a t e Z ip I f C o rp o r at i o n o r L L C P ri n t S t a te o f I n co r p o r at i on / O rg a ni z a ti on 8. Registrant /Corp/LLC Residence Address (P.O. Box not accepted) C it y S t a t e Z ip I f C o rp o r at i o n o r L L C P ri n t S t a te o f I n co r p o r at i on / O rg a ni z a ti on 9. Registrant /Corp/LLC Residence Address (P.O. Box not accepted) C it y S t a t e Z ip I f C o rp o r at i o n o r L L C P ri n t S t a te o f I n co r p o r at i on / O rg a ni z a ti on 10. Registrant /Corp/LLC Residence Address (P.O. Box not accepted) C it y S t a t e Z ip I f C o rp o r at i o n o r L L C P ri n t S t a te o f I n co r p o r at i on / O rg a ni z a ti on American LegalNet, Inc.