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[NAME, ADDRESS & PHONE # OF PARTY MAKING THE REQUEST] FOR COURT USE ONLY PLAINTIFF: PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Vs DEFENDANT: REQUEST TO ATTEND TRAFFIC SCHOOL AND ORDER HEARING DATE: CASE NUMBER: The defendant in this case is seeking th permission to attend traffic school, prior to disposition of his/her case, as to count(s) , namely section(s) of the Vehicle Code. Traffic School must be court ordered as the defendant is accused of going mph in a mph zone, miles over the posted speed limit, which is out of the authority of a court clerk to grant traffic school (California Rule of Court 4.104(b)(2)(G)). Defendant is making this request through the mail by submitting the fine payment and $ traffic school administrative fee. Defendant is making this request in person Date: [SIGNATURE OF DEFENDANT] Defendants request is denied. [TO BE COMPLETED BY JUDGE] Defendan request is granted. Defendant is to attend traffic school as to count(s) . If not already submitted, Defendant must pay a nonrefundable $ administrative fee within 10 days, in addition to the fineamount. A certificate of completion of traffic school is to be filed with the clerk of the court within 60 days of today date. DATED: JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT 1 REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SCHOOL AND ORDER-(Rev)-TRF-027 American LegalNet, Inc. PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL ROB KLOTZ, Clerk of the Amador Superior Court, State of California, and not a party to the within entitledaction, served the REQUEST TO ATTEND TRAFFIC SCHOOL AND ORDER on the parties in said action, by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage thereon addressed as shown, for collection and mailing pursuant to the ordinary business practice of the office which is that mail is collected and deposited with the United States Postal Service on the same day in the ordinary course of business. [NAME] DEFENDANT [MAILING ADDRESS: STREET OR PO BOX] [CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE] [TELEPHONE NUMBER] [TO BE COMPLETED BY CLERK] I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Jackson, California on ROB KLOTZ, CLERK By Deputy Clerk 2 REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SCHOOL AND ORDER-(Rev.)-TRF-027 American LegalNet, Inc.