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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTIONS PROGRAM OFFICE We value your comments -- Thanks for taking 5 minutes to complete this survey! Please email this form to: , fax (925) 957-5689 or mail: ADR Program, P.O. BOX 911, Martinez, CA 94553 COURT MEDIATION SURVEY Case Name: ______________________________________________ 1. Please tell us your relationship to this case. Plaintiff (person filing lawsuit) Defendant (person being sued) Counsel for Plaintiff Counsel for Defendant 2. Please check the box next to the best answer for each question. a. Was this case resolved in mediation? b. If no, did the mediation help you to reach an agreement later? c. Did you resolve some of the issues in mediation? d. Did the mediator make recommendations about the value of your case, or how you should settle your case? e. Was the mediator fair? (not biased for or against anyone) f. Were you able to explain your position fully? g. Do you think the mediator understood the important issues? h. Did mediation lower the cost of resolving this case? i. Did mediation reduce the time needed to resolve this case? 3. How would you rate this mediation experience? Excellent Good Fair 4. Was the referral to mediation Too early About right Too late Poor YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Case No.: _________________ Other __________________ (Please specify � e.g.: claims rep) 5. If you reached an agreement in mediation, how would you rate the agreement? Excellent Good Fair Poor 6. How many times have you used mediation? 0 1-5 6-10 more than 10 times 7. How did this experience compare to other disputes where you did not use mediation? Much better Better About the same Worse Doesn't apply 8. Would you use mediation again or recommend it to others? Yes No Do you have comments or suggestions? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ May we share your responses / comments with the mediator? ADR-306 Rev. 8/1/16 Yes No American LegalNet, Inc.