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SELECTION OF ADR PANEL MEMBER PRE-ADR DISCOVERY PLAN SELECTION DUE DATE: __________________ CASE NAME: _____________________________________________________ CASE NO: ______________________ Plaintiff / Plaintiff's counsel / Cross Complainant (Person filing the lawsuit or counterclaim) NAME: ________________________________________ EMAIL: ________________________________________ NAME: ________________________________________ EMAIL: ________________________________________ Defendant / Defense counsel / Cross Defendant (Person being sued or countersued) NAME: _________________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________ NAME: _________________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________ 1. CHOOSE ADR PROCESS: All counsel and parties listed above have agreed to the following ADR process: a. Mediation ( Court-connected Private) b. Arbitration ( Judicial Arbitration (non-binding) Private (non-binding) Private (binding)) c. Neutral case evaluation 2. CHOOSE ADR PANEL MEMBER: All counsel and parties listed above represent that _________________________________ (panel member) has been contacted, knows this is a court�connected case, and is willing to: a. Be appointed as mediator, arbitrator, or neutral evaluator in this case, and b. Work with the parties to finish ADR before (ADR completion deadline.) 3. LIST PRE�ADR DISCOVERY PLAN: All counsel and parties listed above have agreed to complete the following discovery BEFORE their first ADR session: a. Written discovery ( Additional page(s) attached) i. Interrogatories to: ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ii. Request for Production of Documents to: _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ iii. Request for Admissions to: ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ iv. Independent Medical Evaluation of: _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ v. Other: _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ b. Deposition of the following parties or witnesses: ( Additional page(s) attached) c. No pre-ADR discovery needed d. The parties also agree: ____________________________________________________________________ I __________________________________________ REPRESENT THAT ALL COUNSEL AND PARTIES TO THIS CASE AGREE WITH THE INFORMATION LISTED ABOVE, UNDERSTAND WE MUST PAY THE PANEL MEMBER'S FEES ASSOCIATED WITH ADR SERVICES, AND KNOW WE MAY BE SUBJECT TO SANCTIONS IF WE DO NOT, WITHOUT GOOD CAUSE, COMPLY WITH THE PRE-ADR DISCOVERY PLAN LISTED ABOVE. ___________________________________________ __________________________ Date American LegalNet, Inc. Your Signature EMAIL THIS FORM TO: OR FAX: 925-957-5689 Local Court Form (Mandatory) ADR-201 Rev. 8/1/16