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SIGNATURE OF TRANSFEROR OR LEGAL REPRESENTATIVESIGNATURE OF TRANSFEROR OR LEGAL REPRESENTATIVEMAILING ADDRESS( ) ASSESSOR?S PARCEL NUMBERPROPERTY ADDRESS CITYRECORDER?S DOCUMENT NUMBER DATE OF PURCHASE OR TRANSFERPROBATE NUMBER (if applicable) DATE OF DEATH (if applicable) DATE OF DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION (if applicable)1.Print full name(s) of transferor(s)2.Social security number(s)3.Family relationship(s) to transferee(s)If adopted, age at time of adoption4.Was this property the transferor?s principal residence? Yes NoIf yes, please check which of the following exemptions was granted or was eligible to be granted on this property: Homeowners? Exemption Disabled Veterans? Exemption Yes NoIf yes, Yes No If yes, percentage transferred %7.Was this property owned in joint tenancy? Yes No DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER CITY, STATE, ZIPEMAIL ADDRESSNAME AND MAILING ADDRESS (Make necessary corrections to the printed name and mailing address.)A. PROPERTYThe disclosure of social security numbers is mandatory as required by Revenue and Taxation Code section 63.1. [See Title 42 United I:\BOE Forms\58-AH Rev. 18 (06-17)cc.pdf 7/7/17 BOE-58-AH (P2) REV. 1 (0-1)C. TRANSFEREE(S)/BUYER(S) (additional transferees please complete ?C? below) NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SIGNATURE RELATIONSHIP NAMERELATIONSHIP 1.Print full name(s) of transferee(s) 2.Family relationship(s) to transferor(s) If adopted, age at time of adoption If stepparent/stepchild relationship is involved, was parent still married to or in a registered domestic partnership (registered meansregistered with the California Secretary of State) with stepparent on the date of purchase or transfer? Yes NoIf no, was the marriage or registered domestic partnership terminated by: Death Divorce/Termination of partnershipIf terminated by death, had the surviving stepparent remarried or entered into a registered domestic partnership as of the date of purchaseor transfer? Yes NoIf in-law relationship is involved, was the son-in-law or daughter-in-law still married to or in a registered domestic partnership with thedaughter or son on the date of purchase or transfer? Yes NoIf no, was the marriage or registered domestic partnership terminated by: Death Divorce/Termination of partnershipIf terminated by death, had the surviving son-in-law or daughter-in-law remarried or entered into a registered domestic partnership as ofthe date of purchase or transfer? Yes No3.ALLOCATION OF EXCLUSION (If the full cash value of the real property transferred exceeds the one million dollar value exclusion, thetransferee must specify on an attachment to this claim the amount and allocation of the exclusion that is being sought.)CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE OF TRANSFEREE OR LEGAL REPRESENTATIVEMAILING ADDRESS( ) CITY, STATE, ZIPEMAIL ADDRESSDATEDAYTIME PHONE NUMBER Note: The Assessor may contact you for additional information.B. ADDITIONALTRANSFEROR(S)/SELLER(S) (continued)C. ADDITIONAL TRANSFEREE(S)/BUYER(S) (continued) I:\BOE Forms\58-AH Rev. 18 (06-17)cc.pdf 7/7/17 CLAIM FOR REASSESSMENT EXCLUSION FOR TRANSFER BETWEEN PARENT AND CHILDRevenue and Taxation Code, Section 63.1IMPORTANT: question or your claim may be denied. Proof of eligibility, including a copy of the transfer document, trust, or will, may be required. In situations claim with any revised information. Please note:1. This exclusion only applies to transfers that occur on or after November 6, 1986;2. In order to qualify, the real property must be transferred from parents to their children or children to their parents;3. If you do not complete and return this form, it may result in this property being reassessed.4. California law provides, with certain limitations, that a ?change in ownership? does not include the purchase or transfer of:NOTE: Effective January 1, 2009, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 63.1(j) allows a county board of supervisors to authorize a one-time the parent-child change in ownership exclusion after two written requests have been sent to an eligible transferee by the county assessor. BOE-58-AH (P3) REV. 1 (0-1) I:\BOE Forms\58-AH Rev. 18 (06-17)cc.pdf 7/7/17