Request For Search
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Request For Search Form. This is a California form and can be use in El Dorado Local County.
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Tags: Request For Search, FL-82A, California Local County, El Dorado
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA EL DORADO COUNTY REQUEST FOR SEARCH Pursuant to Family Law Code 6306(a), the Court is entitled to make a search of the CLETS system for information regarding litigants in a Domestic Violence action. Please provide the following information in order that the court may conduct this search prior to making an order: Petitioner's name: Respondent's name: SS#: DL#: 1) Has the Respondents had any prior convictions for a violent felony (PC667.5) or a serious felony (PC 1192.7)? If so, when and where: 2) Has the Respondent had any prior misdemeanor convictions involving domestic violence, illegal weapons, of other crimes of violence? 3) Do you know if the Respondent has any warrants for his or her arrest? FL-82(a) revised 05/19/08 American LegalNet, Inc.