Declaration Notice Upon Ex Parte Application For Orders
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Declaration Notice Upon Ex Parte Application For Orders Form. This is a California form and can be use in El Dorado Local County.
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Tags: Declaration Notice Upon Ex Parte Application For Orders, M-1, California Local County, El Dorado
ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY TELEPHONE NO. FOR COURT USE ONLY ATTORNEY FOR (NAME) SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF El Dorado STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: CASE NUMBER: DECLARATION OF NOTICE OF EX-PARTE APPLICATION Pursuant to California Rule of Court 3.1203, notice of the ex-parte application should be given no later than 10:00 a.m. the court date before the ex parte appearance, absent a showing of exceptional circumstances that justify a shorter time for notice. I, __________________________________________________ declare: 1. 2. That I am counsel for plaintiff/petitioner defendant/respondent in the within action. NOTICE WAS GIVEN: Pursuant to California Rules of Court notice was given that a hearing for an ex-parte order is scheduled at _________________ a.m. / p.m. on ______________________ in ___________________ . (Time) (Date) (Department/Court) Notice was given to:____________________________________________(full name of party to whom notice was given). By telephone call at __________ a.m. / p.m. on ________________ to the following number:_________________. (Time) (Date) By other means (Describe how notice was given): 3. The following response to said notice was received (Describe): No response was received because a message was left at the number above. 4. NOTICE WAS NOT GIVEN: Notice was not given of the hearing for the following reason indicated: Notice of the application would frustrate the purpose of the orders and the applicant would suffer immediate and irreparable harm if the adverse party learns that this order is being sought before it is entered. - OR The following reasonable and good faith efforts were made to notify the adverse party and further efforts to give notice would probably be futile or unduly burdensome. 5. Explain in Detail why no notice was given: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: __________________________ _____________________________________ (Signature of Declarant) DECLARATION OF NOTICE OF EX-PARTE APPLICATION Mandatory Form LOCAL FORM M-1 Revision 04/08/2014 American LegalNet, Inc.