Fax Request For Case Files
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Fax Request For Case Files Form. This is a California form and can be use in El Dorado Local County.
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Tags: Fax Request For Case Files, M-5, California Local County, El Dorado
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF EL DORADO [ ] PLACERVILLE BRANCH [ ] SOUTH LAKE TAHOE BRANCH FAX REQUEST FOR CASE FILES LIMIT 10 Date Request Received: ________________ CASE NAME CASE NUMBER DOB (if known) DATE OF FILING * DATE FOR ON-SITE REVIEW: __________________________________ (Please allow 2 weeks for retrieval of files) PHONE # WHERE YOU CAN BE REACHED: _______________________ General Information: The El Dorado County Superior Court will make every effort to retrieve the file(s) requested above and have file(s) available for your review on the date you indicate above (*). Clerk's Office will call you only if we are unable to fulfill your request. It is not necessary for you to call the office to check on your request for file(s). The Please note that the file(s) shall be returned to their off-site location TWO WEEKS AFTER the date listed for your review. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION For Court use only Date Request Received: Date completed list/faxed to requester: Local Form M-5 revised 3-1-07 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com