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Superior Court of California, County of El Dorado UNCLAIMED FUNDS INSTRUCTIONS and FORMS TO MAKE A CLAIM: STEP 1: Complete the attached forms: Claim Affirmation Form and Claim For Money Held. Please type or print legibly in blue or black ink. Claims that are incomplete, illegible, or lack sufficient documentation, will not be processed. Claims must be made using these Court forms; any modifications to the forms will not be accepted. The Court will respond within 30 days. STEP 2: You must sign the Claim Affirmation Form and have it notarized if your claim is over $1,000, or your claim will not be processed. STEP 3: Please read all instructions and provide etc.). Owners or heirs are required to provide documentation to validate their claims. STEP 4: Each claimant is required to complete a separate Claim Affirmation Form and Claim For Money Held. STEP 5: Please submit the completed forms, by mail or in person only, along with all required materials, to: Superior Court of California, County of El Dorado Attn: Accounting 2850 Fairlane Court #110 Placerville, CA 95667 American LegalNet, Inc. CHECKLIST FOR FILING A CLAIM ORIGINAL OWNER FILING CLAIM The following is a checklist of the documentation required when sending in your claim: Affirmation Form for each claimant; Affirmation Form, if your claim is over $1000; for each claimant; umber for each claimant; th the last known address; riginal instrument used, such as a receipt, check, judgment, etc. DECEASED OWNER HEIR(S) FILING CLAIM The following is a checklist of the documentation required when sending in your claim: for each heir; ney Held Form for each heir; umber for each heir; funds being claimed; original instrument used, such as a receipt, check, judgment, etc.; ith the last known address; and s property passes to each heir, and in what proportion, by one of the following means: a) If probate of estate is open, the estate tax identification number and a copy of Currently Certified estate. OR b) If probate of the estate is closed, provide the estate tax identification number and a complete copy of OR c) Provide a complete copy of the Trust Agreement and a copy of a document with the trust tax identification number, such as a tax return or a bank statement. American LegalNet, Inc. BUSINESS CLAIM The following is a checklist of the documentation required when sending in your claim: Claim Affirmation Form; Affirmation Form, if your claim is over $1000; original instrument used, such as a receipt, check, judgment, etc.; ehalf of the business; nt photo identification for the authorized officer or official; iation with the last known address; r of Good Standing from the American LegalNet, Inc. CLAIM AFFIRMATION FORM The undersigned claimant certifies, under penalty of perjury, that claimant has read the claim and knows the contents thereof, and that claimant is the owner of said claim and the person entitled to receive the money set forth in said claim. The claimant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the state, the courts and their agents, officers, and employees from any loss resulting from the payment of said claims. CURRENT INFORMATION AND SIGNATURE MUST BE PROVIDED FOR EACH CLAIMANT OR YOUR CLAIM WILL NOT BE PROCESSED LAST NAME OR BUSINESS FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL SSN OR FEDERAL TAX ID COURT CASE NUMBER CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE/PROVINCE ZIP COUNTRY DAYTIME PHONE CLAIMANT OR AUTHORIZED AGENT SIGNATURE EMAIL ADDRESS DATE YOUR SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED IF THE CLAIM AMOUNT IS $1,000 OR GREATER For claims filed for a business, the authorized officer or officialfor an estate or trust, the signature of the executor, administrator or attorney is required. State of California County of Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this day of , 20, by , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me. Signature (Seal) PRIVACY NOTIFICATION Your Social Security number and other documents are requested for identification and processing of your claim. American LegalNet, Inc. CLAIM FOR MONEY HELD A SEPARATE FORM IS REQUIRED FOR EACH CLAIMANT. MAIL TO: Superior Court of California, County of El Dorado Attn: Accounting 2850 Fairlane Court #110 Placerville, CA 95667 DATE SUBMITTED: CASE NUMBER: OWNER NAME (AS HELD BY COURT): STREET ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: AMOUNT OF CLAIM: $ CLAIMANT NAME (SHOULD MATCH CLAIM AFFIRMATION): RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: IF NOT THE OWNER, BASIS FOR CLAIM: (attach supporting documents as necessary) AFFIRMATION AND SIGNATURE I hereby affirm, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner of these funds, or an authorized agent of the owner, and am duly authorized to make said claim upon the Superior Court of California, County of El Dorado. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the state, the result of payment of the amount claimed. Signature: Date: COURT USE ONLY - Pay to Claimant Shown Above Amount $ Date Disbursed: Claim Date: By: American LegalNet, Inc.