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TJV-44E07-19MANDATORYDependency Court Friday Court Screening Order FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO(559)457- Title of Case: Dependency Court Friday Court Screening OrderCASE NUMBER: (name) is referred to Friday Court for specialized supportive services. All substantive issues will remain in the Dependency Division department of origin. Friday Court will focus on the child's goals, and will include review of supportive services offered to the child. Inasmuch as no substantive orders will be made in Friday Court, minor222s counsel authorizes the child to appear without counsel butwith a specially trained representative from the Department of Social Services as designated by the department. Counsel will appear with minor. In the eventcounsel is unable to appear, minor222s counsel authorizes the childto appear without counsel but with a specially trained representative from the Department of Social Services as designatedby the department. A separate Friday Court file shall be created and maintained for the child. When the child222s participation in Friday Court concludes, a Friday Court order shall be filed in the main dependency court file with a note describing the successful completion or termination. Friday Court sessions are bi-weekly at the Juvenile Justice Center. Dependency youth participating in Friday Court will have not more than one hearing per month (unless the child requests greater frequency) and each hearing will be set at 9:00 a.m. on a Friday when Friday Court is in session. Inasmuch as not substantive orders will be made in Friday Court, participation by parents is entirely optional; a parent222s decision not to participate in Friday Court shall have no impact on the substantive issues, orders, or reunification efforts. The parents and their counsel therefore waive noticeof Friday Court hearings. (If this box is not checked, parents and counsel will be mailed notice of each Friday Court hearing. If notice isgiven but there is no appearance by parents and counsel, parents and counsel will be deemed to have waived their appearance for that hearing, and the child222s Friday Court hearing will go forward as scheduled.)IT IS SO ORDERED.Dated:Judicial Officer222s Signature American LegalNet, Inc.