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Claim For Homeowners Property Tax Exemption (Los Angeles County) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Los Angeles Local County.
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Tags: Claim For Homeowners Property Tax Exemption (Los Angeles County), BOE-266 ASSR-515, California Local County, Los Angeles
American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. GENERAL INFORMATIONgranted.Alternative 1:Alternative 2:or completion of new construction on or after January 1, provided: (a) The owner occupies the property as his or her principal place of residence within 90 days after the change in ownership or completion of (b) The property is notlesserAssessment.To help you determine your principal residence, consider (1) where you are registered to vote, (2) the home address on your automobile registration, and portion of your time this year.year(s).it is, or is intended to be, rented, vacant and unoccupied, or the vacation or secondary home of the claimant. If you do not occupy this parcel as your principal residence, please discard this form.penalty of 25 percent of the escape assessment added for failure to notify the Assessor of the county where the property is located in a timely manner when property is no longer eligible for the exemption. Assessor to regain eligibility.TIME FOR FILINGAlternative 1: Alternative 2:p.m. on the 30th day following the Notice of Supplemental Assessment issued as a result of a change in ownership or completed new construction. If on the supplemental assessment.INSTRUCTIONSIf your name is printed on the form and you have sold the property, please send the form at once to the new owner. If someone else222s name is printed on the form and you are now an owner of the property, or a purchaser under contract of sale, strike out the printed name and insert your own name, or add your name if you and the one whose name is printed are co-owners. Change the printed address if it is incorrect. If there are no entries printed on the form when you receive it, enter your full name and mailing address, including your zip code.If the dwelling has no street address, so state. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS. Enter social security numbers as directed. If you or your spouse do not have a social security number write 223none224 in the space provided. If you or your spouse do not have a social security number but you have a Medicare or Medi-Cal number, enter that number.used by the State Department of Child Support Services for locating absent parents and locating property which is owned by persons who are delinquent to the County Welfare Department. If you do not enter your social security number as directed, it may result in a delay in processing your claim or name and capacity on the signature line and the date of death if the owner is deceased.BOE-266 (P3) REV. 1 (05-1) American LegalNet, Inc. BOE-266 (P4) REV. 1 (05-1)INFORMACI323N GENERAL Alternativa 1:a.m., del d355a 1 de enero de cada a361o, oAlternativa 2: (a) El propietario ocupe la propiedad como su residencia principal antes de que transcurran 90 d355as de haber hecho el cambio (b) A la propiedad actualmente no menor valor al que aparece en las listas de registro actuales, se la mayor parte de este a361o. vacaciones del reclamante. Si usted no vive en esta propiedad como su residencia principal, descarte esta forma.multa del 25% agregada al valor no recuperado, si usted no reporta este hecho al Tasador del condado donde se escuentra la propriedad, tan pronto como se entere que la propiedad ya no es elegible para la exenci363n. Como recordatorio, el cobro de impuestos o copia del mismo que se le env355a a m341s tardar el primero de Una vez que se otorgue la exenci363n, permanecer341 vigente hasta su vencimiento. Cuando venza, debe obtenerse una nueva forma de reclamo y PLAZO PARA PRESENTAR SU RECLAMOAlternativa 1: Alternativa 2:INSTRUCCIONESSi su nombre aparece en la forma y ya ha vendido la propiedad, env355e de inmediato la forma al nuevo propietario. Si aparece otro nombre en la forma y No escriba un apartado postal como direcci363n de la vivienda.N332MERO DE TEL311FONO. Anote el n372mero de tel351fono donde generalmente se le puede localizar durante el d355a. Medi-Cal, anote ese n372mero. Condado. Si usted no anota su n372mero de Seguro Social como se indica, podr355a resultar en una demora en el tr341mite del reclamo o que se niegue la p372blico. American LegalNet, Inc.