Amendment To Complaint (Fictitious-Incorrect Name)
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Amendment To Complaint (Fictitious-Incorrect Name) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Los Angeles Local County.
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Tags: Amendment To Complaint (Fictitious-Incorrect Name), LACIV 105, California Local County, Los Angeles
AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINTCode Civ. Proc., 247247 471.5,(Fictitious / Incorrect Name)472, 473, 474 LASC LACIV 105 (Rev 0) For Optional Use NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: ATTORNEY FOR (Name): STATE BAR NUMBER Reserved for Clerk222s File Stamp SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: PLAINTIFF: D EFENDANT: AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT (Fictitious /Incorrect Name) CASE NUMBER: FICTITIOUS NAME (No order required) Upon the filing of the complaint, the plaintiff, being ignorant of the true name of the defendant and having designated the defendant in the complaint by the fictitious name of: FICTITIOUS NAME and having discovered the true name of the defendant to be: TRUE NAME amends the complaint by substituting the true name for the fictitious name whereve r it appears in the complaint. DATE TYPE OR PRINT NAME SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY INCORRECT NAME (Order required) The plaintiff, having designated a defendant in the complaint by the incorrect name of: INCORRECT NAME a nd having discovered the true name of the defendant to be: TRUE NAME amends the complaint by substituting the true name for the incorrect name wherever it appears in the complaint. DATE TYPE OR PRINT NAME SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY ORDER THE COURT ORDERS the amendment approved and filed. Dated Judicial Officer American LegalNet, Inc.