Application And Order To Withdraw Exhibits
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Application And Order To Withdraw Exhibits Form. This is a California form and can be use in Los Angeles Local County.
Tags: Application And Order To Withdraw Exhibits, LACIV 037, California Local County, Los Angeles
LASC LACIV 037 (Rev. 08/18) APPLICATION & ORDER Code Civ. Proc., 247 1952 (a) For Optional Use TO WITHDRAW EXHIBITS NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: ATTORNEY FOR (Name): STATE BAR NUMBER Reserved for Clerk222s File Stamp SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: PLAINTIFF: D EFENDANT: APPLICATION & ORDER TO WITHDRAW EXHIBITS CASE NUMBER: A P P L I C A T I O N , requests the release of the following described Exhibits: Exhibit No. Description Exhibit No. Description To the possession of: In above entitled action, judgment was entered on and it appears that a Notice of Appeal has not been filed. Dated: Signature: O R D E R Denied as to: Temporary release to be returned by: Date The evidence described herein having been produced as Exhibit(s) before the court, it is hereby ordered th at possession thereof be given or restored to . Dated: Trial Judge/Commissioner: R E C E I P T Exhibits described above were received on: by Date Print Name Signature Temporarily released Exhibits were returned: by Date Print Name Signature SHERRI R. CARTER, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court By: Exhibit Custodian: Dated American LegalNet, Inc.