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Application-Petition For Resentencing And Peoples Response Form. This is a California form and can be use in Los Angeles Local County.
Tags: Application-Petition For Resentencing And Peoples Response, CRIM235, California Local County, Los Angeles
APPLICATION/PETITION FOR RESENTENCING, RESPONSE (PC 247 1170.18(b) and (g )) SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY ( Name, State Bar Number and Address ) TELEPHONE NO.: FAX NO. ( Optional): E - MAIL ADDRESS ( Optional ): ATTORNEY FOR ( Name): FOR COURT USE ONLY PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA vs. DEFENDANT CASE NUMBER: APPLICATION/ PETITION FOR RESENTENCING AND PEOPLE222S RESPONSE (Penal Code 247 1170.18 , subsections (b ) and ( g ) ) DEFENDANT222S APPLICATION/PETITION On , defendant was convicted in the above-captioned case of a felony violation of a crime that has now been made a misdemeanor pursuant to Proposition 47. He/she was convicted of the following felony: code section(s), including subsection(s) Defendant does not have any conviction for an offense listed in Penal Code 247 667(e)(2)(C)(iv) or which requires registration as a sexoffender pursuant to Penal Code 247 290(c). For Penal Code convictions only: The amount in question is not more than $950. For Penal Code 247 666 convictions only: Defendant is not required to register under any portion of the Sex Offender Registration Act (Penal Code 247247 290 through 290.024). Applications Only Defendant has completed his/her sentence for the offense and requests that the felony conviction be designated a misdemeanor conviction pursuant to Penal Code 247 1170.18(f)-(i). Petitions Only Defendant requests that the felony sentence be recalled and that he/she be resentenced to a misdemeanor pursuant to Penal Code 2471170.18(a)-(e). Defendant is still on supervision even though he/she hascompleted the jail or prison term.Defendant requests that he/she be released from parole perPenal Code 247 1170.18(d). OR Defendant is currently serving a sentence for the offense in (name of jail or prison) Resentencing the defendant would not pose an unreasonable risk of danger to public safety, as defined in Penal Code 247 1170.18(c). People do not oppose. Defendant has completed his/her sentence and is eligible to have the felony conviction designated as a misdemeanorconviction.People do not oppose. Defendant is still serving his/her sentence and is eligible and suitable for resentencing. The People recommend thefollowing sentence: People waive presence at resentencing.People oppose. Defendant is ineligible for the relief requested:Defendant222s current conviction for does not qualify for Proposition 47 relief.Defendant is required to register pursuant to Penal Code 247 290(c), or pursuant to Penal Code 247247 290 to 290.024 if the conviction is for PenalCode 247 666.Defendant has a prior conviction for an offense listed in Penal Code 247 667(e)(2)(C)(iv): People oppose. Defendant is eligible, but unsuitable for resentencing because resentencing the defendant poses an unreasonable risk of danger topublic safety pursuant to Penal Code 247 1170.18(c). People request that a suitability hearing be set. Date Deputy District Attorney Date Defendant or Attorney for the Defendant DISTRICT ATTORNEY222S RESPONSE American LegalNet, Inc.